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Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2018; 41(2): 125-131

Published online June 30, 2018

© The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service

착유기 세척제가 신개발 젖소 유두컵 라이너용 고무조성물 재질에 미치는 화학적 영향


광주보건대학교 임상병리과;

Received: May 23, 2018; Revised: June 12, 2018; Accepted: June 13, 2018

The chemical effects of milking machine detergents on the rubber composition of the newly-developed teat cup liners

Lee, Jeong-Chi;

Department of Clinical Pathology, Gwangju Health University;

Correspondence to : 광주보건대학교 임상병리과(Department of Clinical Pathology, Gwangju Health University)

Received: May 23, 2018; Revised: June 12, 2018; Accepted: June 13, 2018


This study investigated the effects of the alkaline detergent and acid rinse used for cleaning milking machines on the rubber composition of the newly-developed teat cup liners. The samples prepared for use in the clean-in-place process were analyzed by ultraviolet spectrophotometer, ion chromatography and liquid chromatography. In the absorption spectrum of the first sample solution, the form of absorbance or absorption peak was largely different, compared to the absorption spectrum of alkaline detergent alone, but in the absorption spectra of the second and third sample solutions, the absorbance decreased, which was similar to the absorption spectrum in the pure acid detergent. In the ion chromatogram, two main peaks only, which might be shown by the pure alkaline detergent alone, were measured. In the liquid chromatograms, however, new peaks were observed in addition to the two main peaks caused by the pure alkaline detergent alone, which suggested that various molecular materials were created or eluted from the liner by the reaction with the alkaline detergent, but when washed with the acid detergent, any ion species were not produced. Therefore, we propose that an acid rinse should be applied, after cleaning the milking machine with the alkaline detergent.

Keywords Rubber composition,Detergent,Ultraviolet spectrophotometer,Ion chromatography,Liquid chromatography,


Research Article

Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2018; 41(2): 125-131

Published online June 30, 2018

Copyright © The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service.

착유기 세척제가 신개발 젖소 유두컵 라이너용 고무조성물 재질에 미치는 화학적 영향


광주보건대학교 임상병리과;

Received: May 23, 2018; Revised: June 12, 2018; Accepted: June 13, 2018

The chemical effects of milking machine detergents on the rubber composition of the newly-developed teat cup liners

Lee, Jeong-Chi;

Department of Clinical Pathology, Gwangju Health University;

Correspondence to:광주보건대학교 임상병리과(Department of Clinical Pathology, Gwangju Health University)

Received: May 23, 2018; Revised: June 12, 2018; Accepted: June 13, 2018


This study investigated the effects of the alkaline detergent and acid rinse used for cleaning milking machines on the rubber composition of the newly-developed teat cup liners. The samples prepared for use in the clean-in-place process were analyzed by ultraviolet spectrophotometer, ion chromatography and liquid chromatography. In the absorption spectrum of the first sample solution, the form of absorbance or absorption peak was largely different, compared to the absorption spectrum of alkaline detergent alone, but in the absorption spectra of the second and third sample solutions, the absorbance decreased, which was similar to the absorption spectrum in the pure acid detergent. In the ion chromatogram, two main peaks only, which might be shown by the pure alkaline detergent alone, were measured. In the liquid chromatograms, however, new peaks were observed in addition to the two main peaks caused by the pure alkaline detergent alone, which suggested that various molecular materials were created or eluted from the liner by the reaction with the alkaline detergent, but when washed with the acid detergent, any ion species were not produced. Therefore, we propose that an acid rinse should be applied, after cleaning the milking machine with the alkaline detergent.

Keywords: Rubber composition,Detergent,Ultraviolet spectrophotometer,Ion chromatography,Liquid chromatography,

Dec 30, 2024 Vol.47 No.4, pp. 193~317

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Korean Journal of
Veterinary Service

eISSN 2287-7630
pISSN 3022-7372
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