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Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2015; 38(3): 199-203
Published online September 30, 2015
© The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service
경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;제주대학교 수의과대학 및 수의과학연구소;경북대학교 수의과대학;
Correspondence to : 경북대학교 수의과대학(College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University)
An 8-year old intact female poodle was presented to clinics due to abdominal distension, anorexia, and labored breath associated with pleural effusion. Intra-operative findings revealed multiple neoplasm of the greater omentum, involving anterolateral abdominal wall, sterna surface in the pleural cavity and diaphragm. These masses were 0.1~0.5 cm in diameter and extended to ovaries, pancreas, and serosal surface of stomach. Microscopically, most neoplastic cells had oval nuclei with prominent nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. In deeper area, neoplastic acinus or glandular structures showed invaginated growth resembling adenocarcinoma. High mitotic figures were observed. By immunohistochemistry, the neoplastic cells were strong positive both cytokeratin and vimentin. The present case described for malignant mesothelioma in a dog. Our findings might be helpful for diagnosis and information and helped the clinics choose the treatment including chemotherapy such as cisplatin.
Keywords Dog,Malignant,Mesothelioma,Radiography,Immunohistochemistry,
Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2015; 38(3): 199-203
Published online September 30, 2015 https://doi.org/10.7853/kjvs.2015.38.3.199
Copyright © The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service.
경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;경북대학교 수의과대학;제주대학교 수의과대학 및 수의과학연구소;경북대학교 수의과대학;
Park, Ja-Sil;Min, Chang-Woo;Kim, Ah-Young;Lee, Eun-Mi;Lee, Eun-Joo;Kang, Kyung-Ku;Kim, Sang-Hyeob;Lee, Myeong-Mi;Sung, Soo-Eun;Hwang, Meeyul;Kwon, Young-Sam;Kim, Tae-Hwan;Kim, Jae-Hoon;Jeong, Kyu-Shik;
College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University;College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University;College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University;College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University;College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University;College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University;College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University;College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University;College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University;College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University;College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University;College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University;College of Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Medical Research Institute, Jeju National University;College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University;
Correspondence to:경북대학교 수의과대학(College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University)
An 8-year old intact female poodle was presented to clinics due to abdominal distension, anorexia, and labored breath associated with pleural effusion. Intra-operative findings revealed multiple neoplasm of the greater omentum, involving anterolateral abdominal wall, sterna surface in the pleural cavity and diaphragm. These masses were 0.1~0.5 cm in diameter and extended to ovaries, pancreas, and serosal surface of stomach. Microscopically, most neoplastic cells had oval nuclei with prominent nucleoli and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. In deeper area, neoplastic acinus or glandular structures showed invaginated growth resembling adenocarcinoma. High mitotic figures were observed. By immunohistochemistry, the neoplastic cells were strong positive both cytokeratin and vimentin. The present case described for malignant mesothelioma in a dog. Our findings might be helpful for diagnosis and information and helped the clinics choose the treatment including chemotherapy such as cisplatin.
Keywords: Dog,Malignant,Mesothelioma,Radiography,Immunohistochemistry,