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Korean J. Vet. Serv. 1995; 18(1): 41-56

Published online April 1, 1995

© The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service

경주에서 분리된 탄저균에 대한 연구


경상북도 가축위생시험소 동부지소;경상북도 가축위생시험소 동부지소;경상북도 가축위생시험소 동부지소;경상북도 가축위생시험소 동부지소;경상북도 가축위생시험소 동부지소;경상북도 가축위생시험소 동부지소;경상북도 가축위생시험소 동부지소;경상북도 가축위생시험소 동부지소;

Investigation on Bacillus anthracis isolated from Kyong-Ju


Correspondence to : 경상북도 가축위생시험소 동부지소


The present study was conducted to investigate results of B. anthracis isolated from Anthrax in the Kyong-Ju of Feb. 12. 1994. 1. In biochemical feature, B. anthracis was a gram-positive rod, non-motility, sporulation, capsulation. It was positive in gelatinase, starch hydrolysis, glucose. But negative in urease, arabinose, mannitol, xylose. 2. B. anthracis grew well on B4 Br A TSA after incubation for 24 hours. The organisim grew well on BA, Br. A, NA, TSA after incubation for 72 hours. The media grew well on Br A instead of BA. 3. On 5% blood agar by laboratory animal, ${eta}$ -hemolysis was produced from 36 hours to 48 hours incubation. There was perfect ${eta}$-hemolysis after incubation for 48 hours. On the other side ${eta}$-hemolysis was begun on 5% goat blood agar after incubation for 60 hours. 4. In the test of antimicrobial susceptibility, B. anthracis was very sensitive to AM, CF, TE, ENR, GM, AN, DFX, S, P, TYLO, N, KM, C, E, Lins+Sp, NN, CC, CFP, CB were sensitive one by one. B. anthracis was no-sensitive to L, XNL, TIA, CL, SXT 5. B. anthracis had never sensitivity to direct inoculation of rat and chicken, after subcutanous inj. It was very sensitive to mouse and goat, hamster, guinea pig, rabbit had a sensibility one by one. 6. The dead laboratory animal which had been inoculated with B. anthracis preserved at $37^{circ}C$ incubation, B. anthracis didn't cultivate on non-dissected animal after 80 hours but cultivate on dissected animal after 360 hours. 7. The rapidly death could cause high concentration, died from 420 after S. C. 8. The blood smeared samples of hamster from inoculation with B. anthracis, spore germinated In 37$^{circ}C$ after 5 hours, in $32^{circ}C$ after 6 hours, in room temperature after 9 hours, in $-4^{circ}C$ to $-20^{circ}C$ after 10 hours. 9. B, anthracis inoculated to laboratory animal after SC or PO. Mice and rats feces didn't cultivated with B. anthracis after SC, but did cultivated with B. anthracis after PO. 10. In the test of disinfectant, B. anthracis was high effective to $HgC1_2$, formalin, effect phenol, cresol, but non-effect NaOH, ethanol.

Keywords Anthrax,Bacillus anthracis,Antimicrobial susceptibility,Disinfectant,Spore germination,


Research Article

Korean J. Vet. Serv. 1995; 18(1): 41-56

Published online April 1, 1995

Copyright © The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service.

경주에서 분리된 탄저균에 대한 연구


경상북도 가축위생시험소 동부지소;경상북도 가축위생시험소 동부지소;경상북도 가축위생시험소 동부지소;경상북도 가축위생시험소 동부지소;경상북도 가축위생시험소 동부지소;경상북도 가축위생시험소 동부지소;경상북도 가축위생시험소 동부지소;경상북도 가축위생시험소 동부지소;

Investigation on Bacillus anthracis isolated from Kyong-Ju


Correspondence to:경상북도 가축위생시험소 동부지소


The present study was conducted to investigate results of B. anthracis isolated from Anthrax in the Kyong-Ju of Feb. 12. 1994. 1. In biochemical feature, B. anthracis was a gram-positive rod, non-motility, sporulation, capsulation. It was positive in gelatinase, starch hydrolysis, glucose. But negative in urease, arabinose, mannitol, xylose. 2. B. anthracis grew well on B4 Br A TSA after incubation for 24 hours. The organisim grew well on BA, Br. A, NA, TSA after incubation for 72 hours. The media grew well on Br A instead of BA. 3. On 5% blood agar by laboratory animal, ${eta}$ -hemolysis was produced from 36 hours to 48 hours incubation. There was perfect ${eta}$-hemolysis after incubation for 48 hours. On the other side ${eta}$-hemolysis was begun on 5% goat blood agar after incubation for 60 hours. 4. In the test of antimicrobial susceptibility, B. anthracis was very sensitive to AM, CF, TE, ENR, GM, AN, DFX, S, P, TYLO, N, KM, C, E, Lins+Sp, NN, CC, CFP, CB were sensitive one by one. B. anthracis was no-sensitive to L, XNL, TIA, CL, SXT 5. B. anthracis had never sensitivity to direct inoculation of rat and chicken, after subcutanous inj. It was very sensitive to mouse and goat, hamster, guinea pig, rabbit had a sensibility one by one. 6. The dead laboratory animal which had been inoculated with B. anthracis preserved at $37^{circ}C$ incubation, B. anthracis didn't cultivate on non-dissected animal after 80 hours but cultivate on dissected animal after 360 hours. 7. The rapidly death could cause high concentration, died from 420 after S. C. 8. The blood smeared samples of hamster from inoculation with B. anthracis, spore germinated In 37$^{circ}C$ after 5 hours, in $32^{circ}C$ after 6 hours, in room temperature after 9 hours, in $-4^{circ}C$ to $-20^{circ}C$ after 10 hours. 9. B, anthracis inoculated to laboratory animal after SC or PO. Mice and rats feces didn't cultivated with B. anthracis after SC, but did cultivated with B. anthracis after PO. 10. In the test of disinfectant, B. anthracis was high effective to $HgC1_2$, formalin, effect phenol, cresol, but non-effect NaOH, ethanol.

Keywords: Anthrax,Bacillus anthracis,Antimicrobial susceptibility,Disinfectant,Spore germination,

Dec 30, 2024 Vol.47 No.4, pp. 193~317

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Korean Journal of
Veterinary Service

eISSN 2287-7630
pISSN 3022-7372
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