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Korean J. Vet. Serv. 1995; 18(1): 57-71

Published online April 1, 1995

© The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service

강원도내 광견병 발생실태


강원도 가축위생시험소;강원도 가축위생시험소;강원도 가축위생시험소;강원도 가축위생시험소;강원도 가축위생시험소;강원도 가축위생시험소;강원도 가축위생시험소;

Report on The Incidence of rabies in Kangwon-do

Kim, Jong-Sool;Chung, Dong-Su;Lim, Hwan;Yang, Yoon-Mo;Park, Yang-Soon;Sin, Myung-Kyun;Kim, Dong-Hoon;

Kangwon Veterinary Service Laboratory;Kangwon Veterinary Service Laboratory;Kangwon Veterinary Service Laboratory;Kangwon Veterinary Service Laboratory;Kangwon Veterinary Service Laboratory;Kangwon Veterinary Service Laboratory;Kangwon Veterinary Service Laboratory;

Correspondence to : 강원도 가축위생시험소(Kangwon Veterinary Service Laboratory)


During the period of 2 years from 1993 to 1994, epidemiological investigation were carried out each time the outbreak of rabies suspected cases were informed and all specimens were transported to the Kangwon-do Veterinary Service Lab. At the Lab., autopsy and laboratory examinations were conducted as well. The results obtained as follows 1. The dogs and cattles were confirmed to be infected with rabies virus by routine histopathological findings, indirect flulrescent antibody technique, and mouth inoculation test. 2. The total numbers of rabies occured in dogs and cattles were 9, 5 heads, respectively. The regional distribution of total of 14 heads were 9 heads in Chulwon, 2 heads in Hwachun, 1 head Yangku, 2 heads in Inje and the highest number of outbreaks were orrured in Chulwon. 3. Most of dogs showed furious type and dumb type found in only one dog. 4. Cattles showed the symtoms of uneasiness feeling, excitement, disturbance howling, the change of voice, sexual accelaration, foreign body swatting and attacked to human and ani-mal and found to be died after two or four days. 5. In the seasonal outbreaks of rabies, 8 heads of the highest incidence were occured in win-ter followed by 4 heads in autumn, 1 head in spring and 1 head in summer. 6. The first outbreaks of rabies was reported in Chulwon and then transmitted into Hwachun, Yangku and Inje in turn. 7 The infectious source was supposed to be wild animals such as laccon dog, badger etc. living around the D. M. Z.

Keywords Dog,Cattle,Rabies,


Research Article

Korean J. Vet. Serv. 1995; 18(1): 57-71

Published online April 1, 1995

Copyright © The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service.

강원도내 광견병 발생실태


강원도 가축위생시험소;강원도 가축위생시험소;강원도 가축위생시험소;강원도 가축위생시험소;강원도 가축위생시험소;강원도 가축위생시험소;강원도 가축위생시험소;

Report on The Incidence of rabies in Kangwon-do

Kim, Jong-Sool;Chung, Dong-Su;Lim, Hwan;Yang, Yoon-Mo;Park, Yang-Soon;Sin, Myung-Kyun;Kim, Dong-Hoon;

Kangwon Veterinary Service Laboratory;Kangwon Veterinary Service Laboratory;Kangwon Veterinary Service Laboratory;Kangwon Veterinary Service Laboratory;Kangwon Veterinary Service Laboratory;Kangwon Veterinary Service Laboratory;Kangwon Veterinary Service Laboratory;

Correspondence to:강원도 가축위생시험소(Kangwon Veterinary Service Laboratory)


During the period of 2 years from 1993 to 1994, epidemiological investigation were carried out each time the outbreak of rabies suspected cases were informed and all specimens were transported to the Kangwon-do Veterinary Service Lab. At the Lab., autopsy and laboratory examinations were conducted as well. The results obtained as follows 1. The dogs and cattles were confirmed to be infected with rabies virus by routine histopathological findings, indirect flulrescent antibody technique, and mouth inoculation test. 2. The total numbers of rabies occured in dogs and cattles were 9, 5 heads, respectively. The regional distribution of total of 14 heads were 9 heads in Chulwon, 2 heads in Hwachun, 1 head Yangku, 2 heads in Inje and the highest number of outbreaks were orrured in Chulwon. 3. Most of dogs showed furious type and dumb type found in only one dog. 4. Cattles showed the symtoms of uneasiness feeling, excitement, disturbance howling, the change of voice, sexual accelaration, foreign body swatting and attacked to human and ani-mal and found to be died after two or four days. 5. In the seasonal outbreaks of rabies, 8 heads of the highest incidence were occured in win-ter followed by 4 heads in autumn, 1 head in spring and 1 head in summer. 6. The first outbreaks of rabies was reported in Chulwon and then transmitted into Hwachun, Yangku and Inje in turn. 7 The infectious source was supposed to be wild animals such as laccon dog, badger etc. living around the D. M. Z.

Keywords: Dog,Cattle,Rabies,

Dec 30, 2024 Vol.47 No.4, pp. 193~317

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Korean Journal of
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