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Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2001; 24(2): 133-138
Published online June 1, 2001
© The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service
국립 익산대학;국립 익산대학;
Correspondence to : 국립 익산대학
Cryposporidium species have a wide host range. These coccidian parasites are found in close association with epithelial cells of many species of animals including mm. The gastrointestinal tract is most commonly affected in young ruminants and this parasite is thought to be considerable importance in calf diarrhea complex. Major outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis have been reported in calves, lambs, pigs and others including avian species. Cryptosporidiosis is transmitted by oocysts of Cryptosporidium species. Because cryptosporidiosis is common infection among animals, early literature considered it a zoonosis. Human infections contracted from calves, cats, and horse feces. However, the resrvoir host is longer considered the major source of infection. Mild cases of disease have been reported in farm workers. Immunosuppressed, very young and very old persons should avoid contact with this parasite because it may cause severe diarrhea. In order to detect of Crytosporidium sp infection from feces of cattle and pigs at Chonbuk Iksan and Kunsan area, sedimentation and modified acid fast stain were applied. The positive rate of Cryptosporidium sp infection from 1, 176 of cattle and 267 of pigs were 0.5 % and 16.8%, respectively. According to area in Iksan and Kunsan, the positive rates were 0.4% and 0.9% from cattle, and 18.9% and 12.1% from pigs, respectively. In cattle, positive detection rate was 0.6% in milking cows but not in Korean cattle.
Keywords Cryposporidium sp,Infection rate,Cattle,Pigs,
Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2001; 24(2): 133-138
Published online June 1, 2001
Copyright © The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service.
국립 익산대학;국립 익산대학;
Correspondence to:국립 익산대학
Cryposporidium species have a wide host range. These coccidian parasites are found in close association with epithelial cells of many species of animals including mm. The gastrointestinal tract is most commonly affected in young ruminants and this parasite is thought to be considerable importance in calf diarrhea complex. Major outbreaks of cryptosporidiosis have been reported in calves, lambs, pigs and others including avian species. Cryptosporidiosis is transmitted by oocysts of Cryptosporidium species. Because cryptosporidiosis is common infection among animals, early literature considered it a zoonosis. Human infections contracted from calves, cats, and horse feces. However, the resrvoir host is longer considered the major source of infection. Mild cases of disease have been reported in farm workers. Immunosuppressed, very young and very old persons should avoid contact with this parasite because it may cause severe diarrhea. In order to detect of Crytosporidium sp infection from feces of cattle and pigs at Chonbuk Iksan and Kunsan area, sedimentation and modified acid fast stain were applied. The positive rate of Cryptosporidium sp infection from 1, 176 of cattle and 267 of pigs were 0.5 % and 16.8%, respectively. According to area in Iksan and Kunsan, the positive rates were 0.4% and 0.9% from cattle, and 18.9% and 12.1% from pigs, respectively. In cattle, positive detection rate was 0.6% in milking cows but not in Korean cattle.
Keywords: Cryposporidium sp,Infection rate,Cattle,Pigs,