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Korean J. Vet. Serv. 1995; 18(2): 152-157
Published online April 1, 1995
© The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service
경기도 가축위생시험소 남부지소;경기도 가축위생시험소 남부지소;경기도 가축위생시험소 남부지소;
Correspondence to : 경기도 가축위생시험소 남부지소
A total of 1050 layer and broiler chickens from 63 flocks of 21 poultry farms in South-Kyeonggi area, aged from 1 to 18 weeks, were investigated for the prevalence of Cryptosporidium baileyi infection from May 1992 to March 1993. The results have shown that 44 chickens(4.19%) were infected with C.(baileyi during the period of investigation) Fecal samples were treated by using Sheather's flotating technique and were examined under the light and phase contrast microscopy and then stained by Kinyoun method. Cryptosporidium oocysts were found in 35 out of 650 broilers(5.4%) and 9 out of 400 layer chickens(2.3%) aged mainly from 2 to 12 weeks. The regional infection rate were 4.7% in Pyeong-taek, 5.1% in An-sung and 2.3% in Yong-in, respectively. The average size of isolated oocyst was about
Keywords Cryptosporidium baileyi,Chirkens,Prevalence,
Korean J. Vet. Serv. 1995; 18(2): 152-157
Published online April 1, 1995
Copyright © The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service.
경기도 가축위생시험소 남부지소;경기도 가축위생시험소 남부지소;경기도 가축위생시험소 남부지소;
Correspondence to:경기도 가축위생시험소 남부지소
A total of 1050 layer and broiler chickens from 63 flocks of 21 poultry farms in South-Kyeonggi area, aged from 1 to 18 weeks, were investigated for the prevalence of Cryptosporidium baileyi infection from May 1992 to March 1993. The results have shown that 44 chickens(4.19%) were infected with C.(baileyi during the period of investigation) Fecal samples were treated by using Sheather's flotating technique and were examined under the light and phase contrast microscopy and then stained by Kinyoun method. Cryptosporidium oocysts were found in 35 out of 650 broilers(5.4%) and 9 out of 400 layer chickens(2.3%) aged mainly from 2 to 12 weeks. The regional infection rate were 4.7% in Pyeong-taek, 5.1% in An-sung and 2.3% in Yong-in, respectively. The average size of isolated oocyst was about
Keywords: Cryptosporidium baileyi,Chirkens,Prevalence,