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Korean J. Vet. Serv. 1998; 21(1): 21-27

Published online April 1, 1998

© The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service

소 자궁내막염에 대한 미생물학적 분포


충청북도 농축산사업소 제천지소;충청북도 농축산사업소 제천지소;충청북도 농축산사업소 제천지소;충청북도 농축산사업소 제천지소;충청북도 농축산사업소 제천지소;

Microbiological studies on endometritis in cattle and dairy cows


Correspondence to : 충청북도 농축산사업소 제천지소


In order to investigate reproductive disorder in dairy cows, 312 uterine from abattroirs and 56 cows from dairy farms were examined. The ovary and uterine were collected from abattroirs and rectal palpation was carried out in the case of reproductive disorder at dairy farm. Microbiological examination was also carried out from the collected samples. 1. Out of 312 ovaria from slaughter-house, cystic ovary and endometritis were classified as 51(16%) and 134(43%), respectively. And of 56 dairy cow from farms, 43(77%) were identifies as endometritis. 2. The main cause of reproductive disorder was classified as hormonal imbalances, endometritis and cystic ovary, singly or in combination. 3. The main causative agents of endometritis was encountered as E coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus sp and Corynebacterium sp. 4. The highest susceptible antibiotics to the isolates was cephalosporin.

Keywords Endometritis,Cattle,Dairy cow,Reproductive disorder,Antibiotic susceptibility,


Research Article

Korean J. Vet. Serv. 1998; 21(1): 21-27

Published online April 1, 1998

Copyright © The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service.

소 자궁내막염에 대한 미생물학적 분포


충청북도 농축산사업소 제천지소;충청북도 농축산사업소 제천지소;충청북도 농축산사업소 제천지소;충청북도 농축산사업소 제천지소;충청북도 농축산사업소 제천지소;

Microbiological studies on endometritis in cattle and dairy cows


Correspondence to:충청북도 농축산사업소 제천지소


In order to investigate reproductive disorder in dairy cows, 312 uterine from abattroirs and 56 cows from dairy farms were examined. The ovary and uterine were collected from abattroirs and rectal palpation was carried out in the case of reproductive disorder at dairy farm. Microbiological examination was also carried out from the collected samples. 1. Out of 312 ovaria from slaughter-house, cystic ovary and endometritis were classified as 51(16%) and 134(43%), respectively. And of 56 dairy cow from farms, 43(77%) were identifies as endometritis. 2. The main cause of reproductive disorder was classified as hormonal imbalances, endometritis and cystic ovary, singly or in combination. 3. The main causative agents of endometritis was encountered as E coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus sp and Corynebacterium sp. 4. The highest susceptible antibiotics to the isolates was cephalosporin.

Keywords: Endometritis,Cattle,Dairy cow,Reproductive disorder,Antibiotic susceptibility,

Dec 30, 2024 Vol.47 No.4, pp. 193~317

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Korean Journal of
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