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Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2008; 31(1): 79-86
Published online March 30, 2008
© The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service
Correspondence to : 전라북도축산위생연구소남원지소(Namwon-Branch, Jeonbuk Livestock Development & Research Institute)
In this study two stage investigation was used for seroprevalence of Neospora caninum in cattle between January, 2005 and November, 2007; first stage was to examine positiveness of the farms selected randomly, second was to test all individual cow in positive farms. A total of 850 sera were collected from 170 farms for the first stage, and positive rate of farm and head were 23.5% (40/170farms) and 7.5% (64/850heads), respectively. Seroprevalence of Holstein cattle was much higher than that of Hanwoo. In second stage positive rate of cow was 18.9% (246/1,303head), but seroprevalence of farm was very variable (1 - 90.5%). It was supposed that 3 farms with high positive rate had some risk factors to be infected; raising dogs in the same farm, location of hill-side where is easy to contact with wild animals.
Keywords Neospora caninum,Cattle,ELISA,Brucella,
Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2008; 31(1): 79-86
Published online March 30, 2008
Copyright © The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service.
Kwon, Mee-Soon;Jeong, Jae-Myong;Lee, Ji-Yoog;Bae, Jong-Jun;Yoon, Yeo-Baik;
Namwon-Branch, Jeonbuk Livestock Development & Research Institute;Namwon-Branch, Jeonbuk Livestock Development & Research Institute;Namwon-Branch, Jeonbuk Livestock Development & Research Institute;Namwon-Branch, Jeonbuk Livestock Development & Research Institute;Namwon-Branch, Jeonbuk Livestock Development & Research Institute;
Correspondence to:전라북도축산위생연구소남원지소(Namwon-Branch, Jeonbuk Livestock Development & Research Institute)
In this study two stage investigation was used for seroprevalence of Neospora caninum in cattle between January, 2005 and November, 2007; first stage was to examine positiveness of the farms selected randomly, second was to test all individual cow in positive farms. A total of 850 sera were collected from 170 farms for the first stage, and positive rate of farm and head were 23.5% (40/170farms) and 7.5% (64/850heads), respectively. Seroprevalence of Holstein cattle was much higher than that of Hanwoo. In second stage positive rate of cow was 18.9% (246/1,303head), but seroprevalence of farm was very variable (1 - 90.5%). It was supposed that 3 farms with high positive rate had some risk factors to be infected; raising dogs in the same farm, location of hill-side where is easy to contact with wild animals.
Keywords: Neospora caninum,Cattle,ELISA,Brucella,