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Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2013; 36(4): 273-281
Published online December 30, 2013
© The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service
광주보건대학교 임상병리과;
Correspondence to : 광주보건대학교 임상병리과(Department of Clinical Pathology, Gwangju Health University)
This study investigated the effects of the alkaline detergent and acid rinse used for cleaning milking machines on the eight commercially available teatcup liner materials. The sample liners prepared for use in the clean-in-place process were analyzed by ultraviolet spectrophotometer, ion chromatography and liquid chromatography. Among the eight liner materials, the ultraviolet spectra of 3 sample liners were shown to have a similar peak shape after cleaning, but the ultraviolet spectra peak shape of 5 sample liners was noticeably changed. No products were detected by ion chromatography in any of the liner materials used in this study. When the liner materials were only treated with alkaline detergent, some additional peaks were observed using liquid chromatography which indicate the creation of molecular substance and elution from liner materials, however, these peaks disappeared when the liner materials were cleaned with the acid rinse. Therefore, we propose that an acid rinse should be applied, after cleaning the milking machine with the alkaline detergent.
Keywords Teatcup liner,Detergent,Ultraviolet spectrophotometer,Ion chromatography,Liquid chromatography,
Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2013; 36(4): 273-281
Published online December 30, 2013 https://doi.org/10.7853/kjvs.2013.36.4.273
Copyright © The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service.
광주보건대학교 임상병리과;
Lee, Jeong-Chi;
Department of Clinical Pathology, Gwangju Health University;
Correspondence to:광주보건대학교 임상병리과(Department of Clinical Pathology, Gwangju Health University)
This study investigated the effects of the alkaline detergent and acid rinse used for cleaning milking machines on the eight commercially available teatcup liner materials. The sample liners prepared for use in the clean-in-place process were analyzed by ultraviolet spectrophotometer, ion chromatography and liquid chromatography. Among the eight liner materials, the ultraviolet spectra of 3 sample liners were shown to have a similar peak shape after cleaning, but the ultraviolet spectra peak shape of 5 sample liners was noticeably changed. No products were detected by ion chromatography in any of the liner materials used in this study. When the liner materials were only treated with alkaline detergent, some additional peaks were observed using liquid chromatography which indicate the creation of molecular substance and elution from liner materials, however, these peaks disappeared when the liner materials were cleaned with the acid rinse. Therefore, we propose that an acid rinse should be applied, after cleaning the milking machine with the alkaline detergent.
Keywords: Teatcup liner,Detergent,Ultraviolet spectrophotometer,Ion chromatography,Liquid chromatography,