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Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2001; 24(1): 95-99

Published online April 1, 2001

© The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service

도축 사슴의 체조직내 카드뮴 함량에 관한 조사 연구


상주대학교 축산학과;전북대학교 수의과대학;

Cadmium contents in tissues of slaughtered deer in Korea


Correspondence to : 상주대학교 축산학과


In order to clarify the cadmium(Cd) contents of normal deer, tissue samples including kidney, liver, muscle, spleen, heart, lung, rumen, abomasum, intestine, skin and bone were collected from 18 deer which were slaughtered in Korea. All samples were burned to ashes and analyzed for Cd contents by atomic absorption spectrophotometric method. The mean Cd contents in mu extrm{g}$/g wet matter for 18 deer were liver 0.013, kidney 0.286, muscle 0.010, spleen 0.001, heart 0.007, lung 0.005, men 0.019, abomasum 0.016, intestine 0.018, skin 0.016 and bone 0.312, respectively. Two samples in kidney, one sample in muscle out of 18 deer showed higher Cd contents than normal limit value of 0.50mu extrm{g}$/g for liver and kidney, 0.10mu extrm{g}$/g for muscle. In addition, three deer also showed higher Cd contents in one body tissue than normal limit value which reported foreign countries.

Keywords Deer,Tissues,Cadmium,Atomic absorption spectrophotometry,


Research Article

Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2001; 24(1): 95-99

Published online April 1, 2001

Copyright © The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service.

도축 사슴의 체조직내 카드뮴 함량에 관한 조사 연구


상주대학교 축산학과;전북대학교 수의과대학;

Cadmium contents in tissues of slaughtered deer in Korea


Correspondence to:상주대학교 축산학과


In order to clarify the cadmium(Cd) contents of normal deer, tissue samples including kidney, liver, muscle, spleen, heart, lung, rumen, abomasum, intestine, skin and bone were collected from 18 deer which were slaughtered in Korea. All samples were burned to ashes and analyzed for Cd contents by atomic absorption spectrophotometric method. The mean Cd contents in mu extrm{g}$/g wet matter for 18 deer were liver 0.013, kidney 0.286, muscle 0.010, spleen 0.001, heart 0.007, lung 0.005, men 0.019, abomasum 0.016, intestine 0.018, skin 0.016 and bone 0.312, respectively. Two samples in kidney, one sample in muscle out of 18 deer showed higher Cd contents than normal limit value of 0.50mu extrm{g}$/g for liver and kidney, 0.10mu extrm{g}$/g for muscle. In addition, three deer also showed higher Cd contents in one body tissue than normal limit value which reported foreign countries.

Keywords: Deer,Tissues,Cadmium,Atomic absorption spectrophotometry,

Dec 30, 2024 Vol.47 No.4, pp. 193~317

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Korean Journal of
Veterinary Service

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