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Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2007; 30(3): 415-419
Published online September 30, 2007
© The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service
충청북도 축산위생연구소 북부지소;충청북도 축산위생연구소 북부지소;충청북도 축산위생연구소 북부지소;충청북도 축산위생연구소 북부지소;충청북도 축산위생연구소 북부지소;충청북도 축산위생연구소 북부지소;
Correspondence to : 충청북도 축산위생연구소 북부지소(Northern Branch of Chungbuk Livestock and Veterinary Research Institute)
This study was carried out to investigate the prevalence of Ascaris suum infection of slaughtered pigs in Chungju and Eumseong area from January to June in 2007. The percentage of pigs and farms detected milk spot, adult worm, and adult worm in detected milk spot were 4.2% and 23.8%, 0.2% and 9.3%, and 4.9% and 39%, respectively. The prevalence of A suum infection from April to June 2007 was lower than that of January to March 2007. There is not enough of difference in farms' infection rate based on their breeding type.
Keywords Slaughtered pigs,Ascaris suum,Milk spot,Prevalence,Breeding type,
Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2007; 30(3): 415-419
Published online September 30, 2007
Copyright © The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service.
충청북도 축산위생연구소 북부지소;충청북도 축산위생연구소 북부지소;충청북도 축산위생연구소 북부지소;충청북도 축산위생연구소 북부지소;충청북도 축산위생연구소 북부지소;충청북도 축산위생연구소 북부지소;
Kim, Ji-Ye;Seo, Ji-Yon;Kim, Duk-Soon;Yuk, Min-Jeong;Lee, Eun-Jeong;Park, Jae-Myoung;
Northern Branch of Chungbuk Livestock and Veterinary Research Institute;Northern Branch of Chungbuk Livestock and Veterinary Research Institute;Northern Branch of Chungbuk Livestock and Veterinary Research Institute;Northern Branch of Chungbuk Livestock and Veterinary Research Institute;Northern Branch of Chungbuk Livestock and Veterinary Research Institute;Northern Branch of Chungbuk Livestock and Veterinary Research Institute;
Correspondence to:충청북도 축산위생연구소 북부지소(Northern Branch of Chungbuk Livestock and Veterinary Research Institute)
This study was carried out to investigate the prevalence of Ascaris suum infection of slaughtered pigs in Chungju and Eumseong area from January to June in 2007. The percentage of pigs and farms detected milk spot, adult worm, and adult worm in detected milk spot were 4.2% and 23.8%, 0.2% and 9.3%, and 4.9% and 39%, respectively. The prevalence of A suum infection from April to June 2007 was lower than that of January to March 2007. There is not enough of difference in farms' infection rate based on their breeding type.
Keywords: Slaughtered pigs,Ascaris suum,Milk spot,Prevalence,Breeding type,