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Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2024; 47(4): 249-259
Published online December 30, 2024
© The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service
Correspondence to : Won-Jae Lee
E-mail: iamcyshd@knu.ac.kr
†These first two authors contributed equally to this work.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0). which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between body condition score (BCS) and serum biochemical parameters in Hanwoo cattle, considering the significant changes in body size that have occurred over the past two decades. A total of 45 clinically healthy Hanwoo cattle were categorized into three BCS groups: group 1 (BCS: 3.0∼3.25), group 2 (BCS: 3.5∼3.75), and group 3 (BCS: 4.0∼4.25). Blood samples were collected and analyzed for the total number of 16 biochemical parameters. Significant differences were observed in blood urea nitrogen (BUN), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), triglycerides (TG), and the BUN/creatinine ratio among these groups. Additionally, significant correlations were found between BCS and several parameters, including GGT, glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT), TG, total protein (TP), and globulin (GLOB). The increase in BUN and BUN/creatinine ratio in high BCS groups was attributed to increased protein intake during the fattening stage rather than renal dysfunction. Furthermore, significant positive correlations between BCS and biochemical parameters including TG, TP, and GLOB might be associated with mild or subclinical hepatic lipidosis, likely due to increased protein intake rather than liver disease. Notably, GPT levels showed a negative correlation with BCS, although the exact reasons for this relationship remain unclear. These findings underscore the importance of considering dietary and metabolic factors when interpreting biochemical parameters in Hanwoo cattle during fattening period. The results provide valuable insights into the physiological changes associated with different BCS levels, contributing to improved management strategies in Hanwoo cattle.
Keywords Hanwoo cattle, Body condition score (BCS), Serum biochemistry, Fattening
Hanwoo (
The body condition score (BCS) is a crucial indicator used to assess the degree of weight gain and fatness in cattle, based on subcutaneous fat deposits around the tail head, pelvic, and lumbar areas. This evaluation, typically performed through visual observation and palpation, quantifies results into a numerical score using either a 5-point or 9-point scale, where lower scores indicate leaner individuals and higher scores suggest a greater degree of fatness (Isensee et al., 2014; Lee et al., 2022). Various factors, including genetic selection, feeding practices, diet composition, age, calving, and parity, can influence BCS in cattle (Roche et al., 2009). This scoring system is particularly valuable for identifying health risks, assessing metabolic status, and facilitating livestock management by enabling the maintenance of appropriate body weight (Isensee et al., 2014). Moreover, BCS is closely associated with reproductive performance in cows, influencing factors such as the timing of ovarian activity, the onset of the first ovulation, embryo production, and conception rates in embryo transfer programs, making it an indispensable tool in both health management and breeding strategies for optimizing herd performance and welfare (Yeom et al., 2013).
Serum biochemistry is an essential tool in veterinary clinical practice, offering valuable insights into an animal’s health status and aiding in disease diagnosis and prognosis; under normal conditions, blood composition maintains homeostasis within a specific range, but this balance is disrupted during disease states, reflecting the organism’s physiological and pathological conditions (Lee et al., 2015; Cho et al., 2016). Various biochemical markers serve as indicators for different organ functions and metabolic processes. For instance, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine (CRE), and aspartate aminotransferase [AST, formerly glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT)] can assess skeletal or cardiac muscle health. Liver function is evaluated using BUN, total protein (TP), glucose (GLU), albumin (ALB), alanine aminotransferase [ALT, formerly gamma-glutamyl transferase (GPT)], gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), and AST. Renal performance is evaluated by TP, ALB, inorganic phosphorus (IP), CRE, BUN, and calcium (Ca). Energy balance is associated with GLU and triglycerides (TG), while sodium (Na), potassium (K), chloride (Cl), and TP relate to metabolic function (Kim et al., 2021). It’s important to note that these biochemical values can vary depending on factors such as species, breed, age, sex, diet, and even the animal’s BCS, underscoring the need for careful interpretation within the context of each individual case (Lee et al., 2015; Wu et al., 2020; Kim et al., 2021).
While some studies have examined serum biochemistry values in Hanwoo cattle, most have focused on disease-related changes or age-related variations (Kim et al., 1997; Cho et al., 2008; Yu et al., 2010; Cho et al., 2016). However, there is limited research exploring the relationship between serum biochemistry and BCS in this breed. Furthermore, considering the significant changes in body size that Hanwoo cattle have undergone over the past two decades, it is likely that corresponding alterations in blood characteristics have occurred to maintain homeostasis. This study, therefore, aims to investigate the differences in biochemical parameters among BCS groups and analyze the correlation between blood biochemistry parameters and BCS in Hanwoo cattle. The goal is to provide valuable data that can be utilized to enhance management practices by monitoring health status and productivity in this breed.
This study involved only retrospective analysis of data collected during routine veterinary care and does not require separate ethics committee approval. However, all procedures were conducted in compliance with veterinary ethical standards.
In this study, serum biochemical tests were conducted on 45 healthy Hanwoo cattle (approximately 2.7 years old). The farms (N=3) were placed in Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea and fed a diet of forage and concentrate to cattle, according to the Korean Feeding Standard for Hanwoo established by the Rural Development Administration. Prior to sampling, a veterinarian performed general inspections, physical examinations, and checking BCS. Fresh whole blood samples were collected via jugular venipuncture into plain tubes and immediately transported to the research laboratory at Kyungpook National University within 1 hour. The samples were centrifuged at 2,000×g for 10 minutes, after which serum was isolated and stored at −80℃. Serum biochemical parameters were analyzed using the DRI CHEM NX700 (Fujifilm, Tokyo, Japan) for a comprehensive panel including GLU, TG, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), BUN, IP, CRE, TP, ALB, globulin (GLOB), GGT, GPT, GOT, Na, K, Cl, and Ca, along with the ratios of ALB/GLOB, GOT/GPT, BUN/CRE, and Na/K. Reference ranges for these parameters were sourced from Veterinary Medicine (7th Edition; Blood et al., 2007) and Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine (Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, 2017).
The BCS of cattle was evaluated using a 5-point scale based on the Ferguson system as described by Elanco (1997), with scores ranging from 1.0 to 5.0 in 0.25 increments (Isensee et al., 2014). This method involves visual assessment and palpation of body areas including the loin, pelvic region, and tail head. The assessment begins with the pelvic area, where a V-shaped line indicates a score ≤3.00, while a U-shaped line suggests a score ≥3.25. As all cattle in the present study exhibited a U-line or transitional appearance from V-line to U-line, indicating a score ≥3.25, they were classified into three groups in the present study: group 1 (BCS: 3.0∼3.25), group 2 (BCS: 3.5∼3.75), and group 3 (BCS: 4.0∼4.25), with detailed scoring procedures and classification provided in Table 1.
Table 1 . Body condition score (BCS) criteria used to classify Hanwoo cattle
Group (BCS range) | Criteria for BCS |
Group 1 (BCS: 3.0∼3.25) | • Transition from angular to more rounded appearance of the pelvic area • Hooks and pin bones are moderately visible • Ligaments between the pin bones and around the tail head are clearly defined • Moderate fat cover over the loin and rump areas |
Group 2 (BCS: 3.5∼3.75) | • Rounded appearance of the pelvic area • Hooks and pin bones are visible but less prominent • Ligaments are still discernible but less pronounced • Considerable fat cover over the loin and rump areas |
Group 3 (BCS: 4.0∼4.25) | • Rounded appearance of the pelvic area • Hooks and pin bones are less visible due to fat coverage • Ligaments are barely visible or completely obscured • Substantial fat cover over the loin and rump areas, creating a smooth contour |
In the analysis of descriptive statistics, raw values for each serum biochemistry parameter in cattle were calculated for the mean and standard deviation (SD). Significant differences among groups were assessed using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test (SPSS 27.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The results are presented as mean±SD. In addition, Pearson’s correlation analysis was performed to evaluate the relationship between raw values of serum biochemistry parameters and BCS. Statistical significance was set at
The cattle used in this study were divided into three groups based on the criteria listed in Table 1, and the representative BCS images for each group are shown in Fig. 1. In the classification of Hanwoo based on BCS in the present study, both group 1 (BCS: 3.0∼3.25) and 2 (BCS: 3.5∼3.75) included 18 cattle, and group 3 (BCS: 4.0∼4.25) comprised 9 cattle.
The analysis of 20 serum biochemical parameters in Hanwoo cattle revealed variations in their values among different BCS groups (Table 2). Significant differences (
Table 2 . Descriptive statistics of biochemical parameters obtained from three groups of Hanwoo cattle
Parameter | Unit | Descriptive statistics on different groups | Reference range | ||||
Group 1 (n=18) | Group 2 (n=18) | Group 3 (n=9) | Veterinary Medicine 7th ED. | Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine | |||
GLU | mg/dL | 60.94±2.89 | 60.77±2.09 | 69.28±4.52 | 35.0∼55.0 | 57.0∼79.0 | |
TG | mg/dL | 10.87±1.39a | 17.7±1.71b | 28.85±2.82c | - | 10∼19 | |
HDL | mg/dL | 90.27±3.24 | 102.95±4.71 | 91.14±4.20 | - | - | |
BUN | mg/dL | 8.78±0.68a | 13.48±0.88b | 15.65±0.09b | - | 7.0∼19.0 | |
IP | mg/dL | 5.83±0.42 | 5.22±0.20 | 5.66±0.40 | - | - | |
CRE | mg/dL | 1.00±0.06 | 1.30±0.04 | 1.10±0.03 | 1.0∼2.7 | 0.4∼0.9 | |
TP | g/dL | 6.4±0.19 | 7.00±0.12 | 7.08±0.35 | 5.7∼8.1 | 6.7∼8.8 | |
ALB | g/dL | 3.11±0.09 | 3.21±0.06 | 3.31±0.13 | 2.1∼3.6 | 3.3∼4.3 | |
GLOB | g/dL | 3.28±0.14 | 3.77±0.11 | 3.77±0.28 | - | 2.8∼5.4 | |
GGT | U/L | 15.27±1.58a | 20.55±2.70ab | 27.57±3.33b | - | 17.0∼54.0 | |
GPT (ALT) | U/L | 24.33±0.99 | 22.3±0.95 | 21.00±0.69 | - | - | |
GOT (AST) | U/L | 43.76±3.16 | 38.77±1.66 | 48.16±4.32 | 60.0∼150.0 | 54.0∼135.0 | |
Na | mEq/L | 137.83±1.98 | 139.26±1.22 | 140.57±2.37 | 132.0∼152.0 | 134.0∼144.0 | |
K | mEq/L | 4.95±0.21 | 4.95±0.12 | 4.91±0.08 | 3.9∼5.8 | 4.0∼5.9 | |
Cl | mEq/L | 100.11±1.58 | 101.89±0.90 | 102.28±1.66 | 95.0∼110.0 | 92.0∼99.0 | |
Ca | mg/dL | 7.51±0.31 | 7.48±0.27 | 6.95±0.32 | 8.0∼10.5 | 8.9∼10.9 | |
ALB/GLOB | - | 0.96±0.04 | 0.86±0.03 | 0.89±0.06 | - | 0.6∼1.6 | |
GOT/GPT | - | 1.80±0.13 | 1.82±0.08 | 2.24±0.21 | - | - | |
BUN/CRE | - | 7.49±0.72a | 10.46±0.85b | 14.35±1.04c | - | - | |
Na/K | - | 28.58±1.08 | 28.35±0.60 | 28.66±0.73 | - | - |
a,b,cDifferent superscripts indicate significant (
GLU, glucose; TG, triglycerides; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; IP, inorganic phosphorus; CRE, creatinine; TP, total protein; ALB, albumin; GLOB, globulin; GGT, gamma-glutamyl transferase; GPT (ALT), glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (alanine aminotransferase); GOT (AST), glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (aspartate aminotransferase).
Among the 20 hematological parameters analyzed in Hanwoo cattle, seven showed a significant correlation with the increase in BCS (Fig. 2). A significantly positive correlation was found between BCS and BUN (r=0.688,
The BCS is a crucial indicator for assessing weight gain and fatness in cattle during the fattening phase, based on subcutaneous fat deposits (Isensee et al., 2014). In Hanwoo cattle, advancements in livestock management and feeding technologies, including genetic selection and revised feeding standards, have significantly increased average body weights (Jin et al., 2024). This has made BCS an essential tool for evaluating health, metabolic status, and reproductive performance (Choe et al., 2018; Kim et al., 2024). The fattening of Hanwoo cattle involves stage-specific nutrition management, with different feeding strategies applied at each growth stage to ensure optimal muscle and fat accumulation. For instance, during the growth phase, high-quality forages are provided to prepare for long-term fattening, while during the pre-fattening phase, restricted feeding of balanced rations ensures even accumulation of muscle and fat. Nutrient intake also varies by stage, with specific requirements for crude protein and digestible energy. In addition, health management is critical, particularly in the late pre-fattening phase, where metabolic diseases such as urolithiasis can occur due to changes in feed intake. While BCS is a system that can indirectly monitor the nutritional status of cattle during the fattening period, it does not provide a complete picture of their health status or all hematological changes. Particularly in the late fattening stage, where rapid weight gain occurs, monitoring the body’s homeostasis can be beneficial for maintaining a healthy fattening herd and increasing productivity. While studies have investigated the relationship between biochemical markers and BCS in lactating dairy cows (Wu et al., 2020), the correlation between serum biochemical values and different BCS levels in Hanwoo cattle remains poorly understood. To address this gap, this study analyzed the differences in biochemical parameters among BCS groups and investigated their correlations with BCS in Hanwoo cattle. The results revealed significant differences (
The study revealed significant differences (
The study revealed significant correlations between BCS and protein-related parameters, including TP and GLOB. Protein-rich intake can influence serum TP, which is composed of approximately 60% ALB and 40% GLOB (Asrar et al., 2023). In dairy cows, TP, ALB, GLOB, and ALB/GLOB ratio are sometimes used as markers of inflammatory conditions, such as bovine mastitis (Bobbo et al., 2017b; Carvalho-Sombra et al., 2021). However, the observed positive correlation of TP and GLOB with BCS in the present study, while remaining within reference ranges and being derived from clinically healthy individuals, suggests that these changes are more likely related to dietary factors rather than inflammatory or metabolic imbalances. This interpretation is supported by research showing that high-producing herds, characterized by greater use of concentrates in the diet, had higher serum ALB concentrations (Bobbo et al., 2017a). Furthermore, studies have demonstrated that increasing dietary CP levels can affect carcass traits and growth performance in beef cattle, although the optimal protein level may vary depending on the production stage and breed (Jeon et al., 2021). In addition, it’s important to note that serum protein levels can be influenced by various factors, including herd productivity, breed, age, and stage of lactation, which should be considered when interpreting these results (Bobbo et al., 2017a).
This study revealed significant differences (
In conclusion, this study investigated the relationship between different BCS and serum biochemical parameters in Hanwoo cattle, revealing significant differences in BUN, GGT, GPT, TG, GLOB, and BUN/CRE ratio. The observed changes in biochemical parameters in high BCS cattle are likely related to dietary and metabolic factors rather than intrinsic or extrinsic disease, emphasizing the importance of considering body condition and nutritional status when interpreting biochemical levels. These findings highlight the significance of BCS as an indicator of health, management, and productivity in Hanwoo cattle, providing valuable insights into the physiological changes associated with different BCS levels. By facilitating better monitoring of health status and productivity, this study contributes to improving management strategies for Hanwoo cattle, potentially enhancing overall productivity in this important Korean cattle breed. The results underscore the close association between BCS, feed intake, and serum biochemical parameters, offering valuable data for refining cattle management practices and advancing our understanding of bovine physiology.
This work was supported by a grant from the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea, funded by the government of the Republic of Korea (RS-2023-00251171).
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2024; 47(4): 249-259
Published online December 30, 2024 https://doi.org/10.7853/kjvs.2024.47.4.249
Copyright © The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service.
Tae-Gyun Kim 1†, Sung-Ho Kim
1†, Sang-Yup Lee
1,2, Saet-Byul Kim
2, Min Jang
1, Sung-Ho Yun
1, Young-Bum Son
3, Seung-Joon Kim
1, Won-Jae Lee
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Korea
2Bovivet, Gumi 39133, Korea
3College of Veterinary Medicine, Chonnam National University, Gwangju 61186, Korea
4Institute for Veterinary Biomedical Science, Kyungpook Natitonal University, Daegu 41566, Korea
Correspondence to:Won-Jae Lee
E-mail: iamcyshd@knu.ac.kr
†These first two authors contributed equally to this work.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0). which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This study aimed to investigate the relationship between body condition score (BCS) and serum biochemical parameters in Hanwoo cattle, considering the significant changes in body size that have occurred over the past two decades. A total of 45 clinically healthy Hanwoo cattle were categorized into three BCS groups: group 1 (BCS: 3.0∼3.25), group 2 (BCS: 3.5∼3.75), and group 3 (BCS: 4.0∼4.25). Blood samples were collected and analyzed for the total number of 16 biochemical parameters. Significant differences were observed in blood urea nitrogen (BUN), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), triglycerides (TG), and the BUN/creatinine ratio among these groups. Additionally, significant correlations were found between BCS and several parameters, including GGT, glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT), TG, total protein (TP), and globulin (GLOB). The increase in BUN and BUN/creatinine ratio in high BCS groups was attributed to increased protein intake during the fattening stage rather than renal dysfunction. Furthermore, significant positive correlations between BCS and biochemical parameters including TG, TP, and GLOB might be associated with mild or subclinical hepatic lipidosis, likely due to increased protein intake rather than liver disease. Notably, GPT levels showed a negative correlation with BCS, although the exact reasons for this relationship remain unclear. These findings underscore the importance of considering dietary and metabolic factors when interpreting biochemical parameters in Hanwoo cattle during fattening period. The results provide valuable insights into the physiological changes associated with different BCS levels, contributing to improved management strategies in Hanwoo cattle.
Keywords: Hanwoo cattle, Body condition score (BCS), Serum biochemistry, Fattening
Hanwoo (
The body condition score (BCS) is a crucial indicator used to assess the degree of weight gain and fatness in cattle, based on subcutaneous fat deposits around the tail head, pelvic, and lumbar areas. This evaluation, typically performed through visual observation and palpation, quantifies results into a numerical score using either a 5-point or 9-point scale, where lower scores indicate leaner individuals and higher scores suggest a greater degree of fatness (Isensee et al., 2014; Lee et al., 2022). Various factors, including genetic selection, feeding practices, diet composition, age, calving, and parity, can influence BCS in cattle (Roche et al., 2009). This scoring system is particularly valuable for identifying health risks, assessing metabolic status, and facilitating livestock management by enabling the maintenance of appropriate body weight (Isensee et al., 2014). Moreover, BCS is closely associated with reproductive performance in cows, influencing factors such as the timing of ovarian activity, the onset of the first ovulation, embryo production, and conception rates in embryo transfer programs, making it an indispensable tool in both health management and breeding strategies for optimizing herd performance and welfare (Yeom et al., 2013).
Serum biochemistry is an essential tool in veterinary clinical practice, offering valuable insights into an animal’s health status and aiding in disease diagnosis and prognosis; under normal conditions, blood composition maintains homeostasis within a specific range, but this balance is disrupted during disease states, reflecting the organism’s physiological and pathological conditions (Lee et al., 2015; Cho et al., 2016). Various biochemical markers serve as indicators for different organ functions and metabolic processes. For instance, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine (CRE), and aspartate aminotransferase [AST, formerly glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT)] can assess skeletal or cardiac muscle health. Liver function is evaluated using BUN, total protein (TP), glucose (GLU), albumin (ALB), alanine aminotransferase [ALT, formerly gamma-glutamyl transferase (GPT)], gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), and AST. Renal performance is evaluated by TP, ALB, inorganic phosphorus (IP), CRE, BUN, and calcium (Ca). Energy balance is associated with GLU and triglycerides (TG), while sodium (Na), potassium (K), chloride (Cl), and TP relate to metabolic function (Kim et al., 2021). It’s important to note that these biochemical values can vary depending on factors such as species, breed, age, sex, diet, and even the animal’s BCS, underscoring the need for careful interpretation within the context of each individual case (Lee et al., 2015; Wu et al., 2020; Kim et al., 2021).
While some studies have examined serum biochemistry values in Hanwoo cattle, most have focused on disease-related changes or age-related variations (Kim et al., 1997; Cho et al., 2008; Yu et al., 2010; Cho et al., 2016). However, there is limited research exploring the relationship between serum biochemistry and BCS in this breed. Furthermore, considering the significant changes in body size that Hanwoo cattle have undergone over the past two decades, it is likely that corresponding alterations in blood characteristics have occurred to maintain homeostasis. This study, therefore, aims to investigate the differences in biochemical parameters among BCS groups and analyze the correlation between blood biochemistry parameters and BCS in Hanwoo cattle. The goal is to provide valuable data that can be utilized to enhance management practices by monitoring health status and productivity in this breed.
This study involved only retrospective analysis of data collected during routine veterinary care and does not require separate ethics committee approval. However, all procedures were conducted in compliance with veterinary ethical standards.
In this study, serum biochemical tests were conducted on 45 healthy Hanwoo cattle (approximately 2.7 years old). The farms (N=3) were placed in Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea and fed a diet of forage and concentrate to cattle, according to the Korean Feeding Standard for Hanwoo established by the Rural Development Administration. Prior to sampling, a veterinarian performed general inspections, physical examinations, and checking BCS. Fresh whole blood samples were collected via jugular venipuncture into plain tubes and immediately transported to the research laboratory at Kyungpook National University within 1 hour. The samples were centrifuged at 2,000×g for 10 minutes, after which serum was isolated and stored at −80℃. Serum biochemical parameters were analyzed using the DRI CHEM NX700 (Fujifilm, Tokyo, Japan) for a comprehensive panel including GLU, TG, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), BUN, IP, CRE, TP, ALB, globulin (GLOB), GGT, GPT, GOT, Na, K, Cl, and Ca, along with the ratios of ALB/GLOB, GOT/GPT, BUN/CRE, and Na/K. Reference ranges for these parameters were sourced from Veterinary Medicine (7th Edition; Blood et al., 2007) and Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine (Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, 2017).
The BCS of cattle was evaluated using a 5-point scale based on the Ferguson system as described by Elanco (1997), with scores ranging from 1.0 to 5.0 in 0.25 increments (Isensee et al., 2014). This method involves visual assessment and palpation of body areas including the loin, pelvic region, and tail head. The assessment begins with the pelvic area, where a V-shaped line indicates a score ≤3.00, while a U-shaped line suggests a score ≥3.25. As all cattle in the present study exhibited a U-line or transitional appearance from V-line to U-line, indicating a score ≥3.25, they were classified into three groups in the present study: group 1 (BCS: 3.0∼3.25), group 2 (BCS: 3.5∼3.75), and group 3 (BCS: 4.0∼4.25), with detailed scoring procedures and classification provided in Table 1.
Table 1 . Body condition score (BCS) criteria used to classify Hanwoo cattle.
Group (BCS range) | Criteria for BCS |
Group 1 (BCS: 3.0∼3.25) | • Transition from angular to more rounded appearance of the pelvic area • Hooks and pin bones are moderately visible • Ligaments between the pin bones and around the tail head are clearly defined • Moderate fat cover over the loin and rump areas |
Group 2 (BCS: 3.5∼3.75) | • Rounded appearance of the pelvic area • Hooks and pin bones are visible but less prominent • Ligaments are still discernible but less pronounced • Considerable fat cover over the loin and rump areas |
Group 3 (BCS: 4.0∼4.25) | • Rounded appearance of the pelvic area • Hooks and pin bones are less visible due to fat coverage • Ligaments are barely visible or completely obscured • Substantial fat cover over the loin and rump areas, creating a smooth contour |
In the analysis of descriptive statistics, raw values for each serum biochemistry parameter in cattle were calculated for the mean and standard deviation (SD). Significant differences among groups were assessed using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc test (SPSS 27.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The results are presented as mean±SD. In addition, Pearson’s correlation analysis was performed to evaluate the relationship between raw values of serum biochemistry parameters and BCS. Statistical significance was set at
The cattle used in this study were divided into three groups based on the criteria listed in Table 1, and the representative BCS images for each group are shown in Fig. 1. In the classification of Hanwoo based on BCS in the present study, both group 1 (BCS: 3.0∼3.25) and 2 (BCS: 3.5∼3.75) included 18 cattle, and group 3 (BCS: 4.0∼4.25) comprised 9 cattle.
The analysis of 20 serum biochemical parameters in Hanwoo cattle revealed variations in their values among different BCS groups (Table 2). Significant differences (
Table 2 . Descriptive statistics of biochemical parameters obtained from three groups of Hanwoo cattle.
Parameter | Unit | Descriptive statistics on different groups | Reference range | ||||
Group 1 (n=18) | Group 2 (n=18) | Group 3 (n=9) | Veterinary Medicine 7th ED. | Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine | |||
GLU | mg/dL | 60.94±2.89 | 60.77±2.09 | 69.28±4.52 | 35.0∼55.0 | 57.0∼79.0 | |
TG | mg/dL | 10.87±1.39a | 17.7±1.71b | 28.85±2.82c | - | 10∼19 | |
HDL | mg/dL | 90.27±3.24 | 102.95±4.71 | 91.14±4.20 | - | - | |
BUN | mg/dL | 8.78±0.68a | 13.48±0.88b | 15.65±0.09b | - | 7.0∼19.0 | |
IP | mg/dL | 5.83±0.42 | 5.22±0.20 | 5.66±0.40 | - | - | |
CRE | mg/dL | 1.00±0.06 | 1.30±0.04 | 1.10±0.03 | 1.0∼2.7 | 0.4∼0.9 | |
TP | g/dL | 6.4±0.19 | 7.00±0.12 | 7.08±0.35 | 5.7∼8.1 | 6.7∼8.8 | |
ALB | g/dL | 3.11±0.09 | 3.21±0.06 | 3.31±0.13 | 2.1∼3.6 | 3.3∼4.3 | |
GLOB | g/dL | 3.28±0.14 | 3.77±0.11 | 3.77±0.28 | - | 2.8∼5.4 | |
GGT | U/L | 15.27±1.58a | 20.55±2.70ab | 27.57±3.33b | - | 17.0∼54.0 | |
GPT (ALT) | U/L | 24.33±0.99 | 22.3±0.95 | 21.00±0.69 | - | - | |
GOT (AST) | U/L | 43.76±3.16 | 38.77±1.66 | 48.16±4.32 | 60.0∼150.0 | 54.0∼135.0 | |
Na | mEq/L | 137.83±1.98 | 139.26±1.22 | 140.57±2.37 | 132.0∼152.0 | 134.0∼144.0 | |
K | mEq/L | 4.95±0.21 | 4.95±0.12 | 4.91±0.08 | 3.9∼5.8 | 4.0∼5.9 | |
Cl | mEq/L | 100.11±1.58 | 101.89±0.90 | 102.28±1.66 | 95.0∼110.0 | 92.0∼99.0 | |
Ca | mg/dL | 7.51±0.31 | 7.48±0.27 | 6.95±0.32 | 8.0∼10.5 | 8.9∼10.9 | |
ALB/GLOB | - | 0.96±0.04 | 0.86±0.03 | 0.89±0.06 | - | 0.6∼1.6 | |
GOT/GPT | - | 1.80±0.13 | 1.82±0.08 | 2.24±0.21 | - | - | |
BUN/CRE | - | 7.49±0.72a | 10.46±0.85b | 14.35±1.04c | - | - | |
Na/K | - | 28.58±1.08 | 28.35±0.60 | 28.66±0.73 | - | - |
a,b,cDifferent superscripts indicate significant (
GLU, glucose; TG, triglycerides; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; IP, inorganic phosphorus; CRE, creatinine; TP, total protein; ALB, albumin; GLOB, globulin; GGT, gamma-glutamyl transferase; GPT (ALT), glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (alanine aminotransferase); GOT (AST), glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (aspartate aminotransferase)..
Among the 20 hematological parameters analyzed in Hanwoo cattle, seven showed a significant correlation with the increase in BCS (Fig. 2). A significantly positive correlation was found between BCS and BUN (r=0.688,
The BCS is a crucial indicator for assessing weight gain and fatness in cattle during the fattening phase, based on subcutaneous fat deposits (Isensee et al., 2014). In Hanwoo cattle, advancements in livestock management and feeding technologies, including genetic selection and revised feeding standards, have significantly increased average body weights (Jin et al., 2024). This has made BCS an essential tool for evaluating health, metabolic status, and reproductive performance (Choe et al., 2018; Kim et al., 2024). The fattening of Hanwoo cattle involves stage-specific nutrition management, with different feeding strategies applied at each growth stage to ensure optimal muscle and fat accumulation. For instance, during the growth phase, high-quality forages are provided to prepare for long-term fattening, while during the pre-fattening phase, restricted feeding of balanced rations ensures even accumulation of muscle and fat. Nutrient intake also varies by stage, with specific requirements for crude protein and digestible energy. In addition, health management is critical, particularly in the late pre-fattening phase, where metabolic diseases such as urolithiasis can occur due to changes in feed intake. While BCS is a system that can indirectly monitor the nutritional status of cattle during the fattening period, it does not provide a complete picture of their health status or all hematological changes. Particularly in the late fattening stage, where rapid weight gain occurs, monitoring the body’s homeostasis can be beneficial for maintaining a healthy fattening herd and increasing productivity. While studies have investigated the relationship between biochemical markers and BCS in lactating dairy cows (Wu et al., 2020), the correlation between serum biochemical values and different BCS levels in Hanwoo cattle remains poorly understood. To address this gap, this study analyzed the differences in biochemical parameters among BCS groups and investigated their correlations with BCS in Hanwoo cattle. The results revealed significant differences (
The study revealed significant differences (
The study revealed significant correlations between BCS and protein-related parameters, including TP and GLOB. Protein-rich intake can influence serum TP, which is composed of approximately 60% ALB and 40% GLOB (Asrar et al., 2023). In dairy cows, TP, ALB, GLOB, and ALB/GLOB ratio are sometimes used as markers of inflammatory conditions, such as bovine mastitis (Bobbo et al., 2017b; Carvalho-Sombra et al., 2021). However, the observed positive correlation of TP and GLOB with BCS in the present study, while remaining within reference ranges and being derived from clinically healthy individuals, suggests that these changes are more likely related to dietary factors rather than inflammatory or metabolic imbalances. This interpretation is supported by research showing that high-producing herds, characterized by greater use of concentrates in the diet, had higher serum ALB concentrations (Bobbo et al., 2017a). Furthermore, studies have demonstrated that increasing dietary CP levels can affect carcass traits and growth performance in beef cattle, although the optimal protein level may vary depending on the production stage and breed (Jeon et al., 2021). In addition, it’s important to note that serum protein levels can be influenced by various factors, including herd productivity, breed, age, and stage of lactation, which should be considered when interpreting these results (Bobbo et al., 2017a).
This study revealed significant differences (
In conclusion, this study investigated the relationship between different BCS and serum biochemical parameters in Hanwoo cattle, revealing significant differences in BUN, GGT, GPT, TG, GLOB, and BUN/CRE ratio. The observed changes in biochemical parameters in high BCS cattle are likely related to dietary and metabolic factors rather than intrinsic or extrinsic disease, emphasizing the importance of considering body condition and nutritional status when interpreting biochemical levels. These findings highlight the significance of BCS as an indicator of health, management, and productivity in Hanwoo cattle, providing valuable insights into the physiological changes associated with different BCS levels. By facilitating better monitoring of health status and productivity, this study contributes to improving management strategies for Hanwoo cattle, potentially enhancing overall productivity in this important Korean cattle breed. The results underscore the close association between BCS, feed intake, and serum biochemical parameters, offering valuable data for refining cattle management practices and advancing our understanding of bovine physiology.
This work was supported by a grant from the National Research Foundation (NRF) of Korea, funded by the government of the Republic of Korea (RS-2023-00251171).
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
Table 1 . Body condition score (BCS) criteria used to classify Hanwoo cattle.
Group (BCS range) | Criteria for BCS |
Group 1 (BCS: 3.0∼3.25) | • Transition from angular to more rounded appearance of the pelvic area • Hooks and pin bones are moderately visible • Ligaments between the pin bones and around the tail head are clearly defined • Moderate fat cover over the loin and rump areas |
Group 2 (BCS: 3.5∼3.75) | • Rounded appearance of the pelvic area • Hooks and pin bones are visible but less prominent • Ligaments are still discernible but less pronounced • Considerable fat cover over the loin and rump areas |
Group 3 (BCS: 4.0∼4.25) | • Rounded appearance of the pelvic area • Hooks and pin bones are less visible due to fat coverage • Ligaments are barely visible or completely obscured • Substantial fat cover over the loin and rump areas, creating a smooth contour |
Table 2 . Descriptive statistics of biochemical parameters obtained from three groups of Hanwoo cattle.
Parameter | Unit | Descriptive statistics on different groups | Reference range | ||||
Group 1 (n=18) | Group 2 (n=18) | Group 3 (n=9) | Veterinary Medicine 7th ED. | Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine | |||
GLU | mg/dL | 60.94±2.89 | 60.77±2.09 | 69.28±4.52 | 35.0∼55.0 | 57.0∼79.0 | |
TG | mg/dL | 10.87±1.39a | 17.7±1.71b | 28.85±2.82c | - | 10∼19 | |
HDL | mg/dL | 90.27±3.24 | 102.95±4.71 | 91.14±4.20 | - | - | |
BUN | mg/dL | 8.78±0.68a | 13.48±0.88b | 15.65±0.09b | - | 7.0∼19.0 | |
IP | mg/dL | 5.83±0.42 | 5.22±0.20 | 5.66±0.40 | - | - | |
CRE | mg/dL | 1.00±0.06 | 1.30±0.04 | 1.10±0.03 | 1.0∼2.7 | 0.4∼0.9 | |
TP | g/dL | 6.4±0.19 | 7.00±0.12 | 7.08±0.35 | 5.7∼8.1 | 6.7∼8.8 | |
ALB | g/dL | 3.11±0.09 | 3.21±0.06 | 3.31±0.13 | 2.1∼3.6 | 3.3∼4.3 | |
GLOB | g/dL | 3.28±0.14 | 3.77±0.11 | 3.77±0.28 | - | 2.8∼5.4 | |
GGT | U/L | 15.27±1.58a | 20.55±2.70ab | 27.57±3.33b | - | 17.0∼54.0 | |
GPT (ALT) | U/L | 24.33±0.99 | 22.3±0.95 | 21.00±0.69 | - | - | |
GOT (AST) | U/L | 43.76±3.16 | 38.77±1.66 | 48.16±4.32 | 60.0∼150.0 | 54.0∼135.0 | |
Na | mEq/L | 137.83±1.98 | 139.26±1.22 | 140.57±2.37 | 132.0∼152.0 | 134.0∼144.0 | |
K | mEq/L | 4.95±0.21 | 4.95±0.12 | 4.91±0.08 | 3.9∼5.8 | 4.0∼5.9 | |
Cl | mEq/L | 100.11±1.58 | 101.89±0.90 | 102.28±1.66 | 95.0∼110.0 | 92.0∼99.0 | |
Ca | mg/dL | 7.51±0.31 | 7.48±0.27 | 6.95±0.32 | 8.0∼10.5 | 8.9∼10.9 | |
ALB/GLOB | - | 0.96±0.04 | 0.86±0.03 | 0.89±0.06 | - | 0.6∼1.6 | |
GOT/GPT | - | 1.80±0.13 | 1.82±0.08 | 2.24±0.21 | - | - | |
BUN/CRE | - | 7.49±0.72a | 10.46±0.85b | 14.35±1.04c | - | - | |
Na/K | - | 28.58±1.08 | 28.35±0.60 | 28.66±0.73 | - | - |
a,b,cDifferent superscripts indicate significant (
GLU, glucose; TG, triglycerides; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; IP, inorganic phosphorus; CRE, creatinine; TP, total protein; ALB, albumin; GLOB, globulin; GGT, gamma-glutamyl transferase; GPT (ALT), glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (alanine aminotransferase); GOT (AST), glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (aspartate aminotransferase)..
Hyejean Cho
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Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2019; 42(4): 305-311 https://doi.org/10.7853/kjvs.2019.42.4.305Kim, Eunju;Choe, Changyong;Yoo, Jae Gyu;So, Kyoung-Min;Jung, Younghun;Cho, Ara;Kim, Suhee;Oh, Sang-Ik;Do, Yoon Jung;
Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2018; 41(1): 1-8 https://doi.org/10.7853/kjvs.2018.41.1.1