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  • Research ArticleMarch 1, 2004

    0 29 21

    Microbiological quality on surfaces of beef and pork carcasses in Seoul


    Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2004; 27(1): 1-6

    Abstract : It was conducted to evaluate the microbiological quality on the surface of slaughtered beef and pork products in Seoul from January 2003 to December 2003. Two hundreds four beefs and 284 pork carcasses were surveyed on generic E coli, total bacterial count for microbiological quality, and Salmonella spp as food-borne pathogen. The prevalence of the excellent or good grade(10$^4$ CFU/$ extrm{cm}^2$ in SPC) of beef and pork carcasses were 99.7% and 97.9%, respectively. The frequency of beef carcasses with less than 10$^2$ CFU/$ extrm{cm}^2$ of E coli was 100%, while that of pork carcasses was 98.2%. Salmonella spp was not recovered from all of beef and pork carcasses.

  • Research ArticleMarch 1, 2004

    0 32 15

    Survey on the contamination of microorganisms in pork from slaughterhouse in Incheon area


    Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2004; 27(1): 7-15

    Abstract : For measuring general bacterial count and Escherichia coli count, the standard plate count was used to conduct a test on 113 cases of pork carcass surfaces from slaughterhouses in Incheon area from January to February 2003. And Salmonella spp, Staphylococcus aureus and Listeria monocytogenes was used to conduct a test on 68 cases of pork carcass surfaces and 76 cases of feces, that is to say, a total of 144 cases. The results were obtained as follows: In the case of general bacterial count, 29 cases(25.7%) were in the range of 100∼999 and 62 cases(54.9%) were in the range of 1,000∼9,999 and 22 cases(19.4%) were in the range of 10,000∼99,999. Meanwhile as regards E coli count, 22 cases(19.4%) were in the range of 1∼9 and 69 cases(61.2%) were in the range of 10∼99 and 22 cases(19.4%) were in the range of 100∼999. On 68 cases of pork carcass surfaces, 7 strains(10.2%) of Salmonella spp, and 12 strains(17.6%) of S aureus were detected and 27 strains(39.7%) of L monocytogenes, respectively. As for the detected Salmonella spp, 6 strains of the B group, 3 strains of S enterica subsp salame and 2 strains of S typhimurium were detected, respectively. On 76 cases of feces, 14 strains(18.4%) of Salmonella spp, and 15 strains(19.7%) of L monocytogenes and 14 strains(18.4%) of S aureus were detected respectively. As for the detected Salmonella spp, 6 strains of the B group, 4 strains of S derby and 8 strains of the C group, 5 strains of S rissen were detected, respectively. All of 42 strains of L monocytogenes were type 1. As a result of conducting a toxin test on the detected S aureus, all of 26 strains were found to be non-toxin.

  • Research ArticleMarch 1, 2004

    0 42 69

    Abstract : A multiresidual analysis was performed to determine 12 sulfonamides(sulfacetamide, sulfadiazine, sulfisomidine, sulfathiazole, sulfapyridine, sulfamerazine, sulfamethazine, sulfamonomethoxine, sulfisoxazole, sulfamethoxazole, sulfaquinoxaline, and sulfadimethoxine) in beef and pork simultaneously. The multiresidual analysis for the sulfonamides currently used was able to analyze 5 kinds of sulfonamides at the same time. The method of this 12 sulfonamides multiresidual analysis in this study was matrix solid-phase dispersion(MSPD) by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC/MS). The recovery rate of the materials was measured by MSPD method with 3 different extraction solvents; Dichloromethane, DCM: Ethylacetate(3:1), DCM:EA(9:1). Also, samples (84 beef and 205 pork samples) which were positive by EEC-4 plate test from 2001 to 2003 were tested to investigate the kinds of sulfonamides using HPLC. The results from the study were as follows; 1. The recovery rate of the materials was measured by MSPD method with 3 different extraction solvents; Dichloromethane, DCM:Ethylacetate(3:1), DCM:EA(9:1). The method of extraction solvent with DCM:ethyl acetate(9:1) was the most excellent(87.7∼99.3%) in separation and reappearance. 2. In the LC/MS analysis. of sulfonamides, signal to noise ratio was showed relatively high in the positive mode and special ion in the quality analysis was determined via [M+H]$^$+/ and m/z 156. A spectrum of sulfonamides was showed from all 12 sulfonamides. 3. The samples positive by the EEC-4 plate, a screening test method, were categorized by sulfonamides through Charm II and confirmed the kinds of sulfonamides through HPLC. 1) Among 84 beef samples positive by EEC-4 plate, 20 samples were positive by Charm II and identified as 7 sulfamethazine, 9 sulfadimethoxine, 1 sulfamonomethoxine and 3 unknown status. 2) Among 205 pork samples positive by EEC-4 plate, 42 samples were positive by Charm II and identified as 19 sulfamethazine, 1 sulfadimethoxine, 4 sulfamonomethoxine and 5 unknown status.

  • Research ArticleMarch 1, 2004

    0 61 24

    Recent outbreaks of rabies in Gangwon-do


    Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2004; 27(1): 31-39

    Abstract : This study was performed to investigate the rabies surveillance in Gangwon-do from 1997 to 2001. Of 185 laboratory submissions for rabies diagnosis, 65(35.1%) cases were determined to be infected with the rabies virus. Annual incidence of animal rabies was 10 cases in 1997, 20 cases in 1998, 16 cases in 1999, 3 cases in 2000, and 16 cases in 2001, respectively. The total number of the reported cases were increased 382% compared with that of the previous period from 1993 to 1996(7 cases). The relative contributions of infected animals in this period were as follows: cattles(24 cases), dogs(26 cases), and raccoons(15 cases). Rabies outbreak in raccoon were steadily expanded. Epidemiologic surveillance showed the rabies outbreaks spreaded to the southern area in Gangwon-do. All rabies cases were showed positive results to rabies tests such as clinical signs, histopathological findings, indirect flourescent antibody test, and mouse inoculation test. Further studies such as genetic and phylogenetic analysis of the isolates should be performed in order to figure out accurate rabies outbreak.

  • Research ArticleMarch 1, 2004

    0 52 20

    Study on functional states and differential diagnosis of ovarian cysts in slaughtered Korean native cows


    Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2004; 27(1): 41-52

    Abstract : To establish the differential diagnosis and functional status in ovarian cystic cows, progesterone(P$_4$) and estrogen(E$_2$) level of cystic follicular fluid, ultrasonography for measuring the cystic diameter and thickness of cystic wall, and histological findings were investigated in cystic ovaries from slaughtered Korean native cows. Ovarian follicles were classified as systic if the diameter was greater than 25 mm by ultrasonography. Ovarian cysts < 3 mm of cystic wall thickness, < 10 ng/ml P$_4$ concentration and >10 ng/ml E$_2$ concentration were classified follicular cyst, ovarian cysts 3 mm of cystic wall thickness, 10 ng/ml P$_4$ concentration and <10 ng/ml E$_2$ concentration were classified luteal cyst, and ovarian cysts 3 mm of cystic wall thickness, < 10 ng/ml P$_4$ concentration and <10 ng/ml E$_2$ concentration were classified non-functional ovarian cyst, respectively. Also ovarian cysts were classified 8 types by anatomical and hisctological findings. Ovarian cysts with corpus luteum were 3 of 73 cows and ovarian cysts without corpus luteum were 70 cows. The incidence rates of 8 various types of ovarian cysts were as follows; 2Aa 56.2%, 2Ba 20.5% and 2Ab 15.1%, respectively. The incidence rates of ovarian cysts without corpus luteum were follicular cyst 76.7% and luteal cyst 19.2%. The thickness of cystic wall were lAb 3.9 mm, 2Ab 3.3 mm and 2Bb 3.2 mm, and the cystic fluid P$_4$ concentrations were above 10.0 ng/ml in lAb, 2Ab and 2Bb, respectively. There was significantly correlations between the thickness of cystic wall and cystic fluid P$_4$ concentration in ovarian cysts(p<0.05). The ovarian cyst was classified follicular cysts, luteal cyst and non-functional ovarian cyst by hormone analysis. The luteal cyst was accuratly dignosed by cystic wall thickness. But follicular cysts was misdiagnosed 13 cows of 56 cystic cows. The 13 cystic cows was determined as had non-fuctional ovarian cysts. The cystic fluid P$_4$ concentration was 3.3 ng/ml in follicular ovarian cysts and 30.1 ng/ml luteinized ovarian cysts. There was significantly positive correlations between thickness of cystic wall and serum P$_4$ concentration in follicular(r$^2$ =0.59, p<0.001) and luteal cysts(r$^2$=0.65, p<0.001). These results indicated that ovarian cysts had various stages of degeneration and luteal cyst was accuratly diagnosed measurement of cystic wall thickness by ultrasonography, but follicular cysts was not diagnosed only cystic diameter and cystic wall thickness. In conclusion, it is suggest that ovarian cysts was diagnosed by combination of clinical sign and anatomical cystic features.

  • Research ArticleMarch 1, 2004

    0 49 23

    Abstract : The present study was carried out to investigate the prevalence of Neospora caninum infection in Korean indigenous cattle and calves of abnormal deliveries and focus on correlation between malformation and N caninum infection. To determine the prevalence of antibodies to N caninum, sera of 473 Korean indigenous cattle from slaughter house were tested for N caninum antibodies using indirect fluorescence assay. Of the 473 cattle sera, 9.5% (45/473) showed positive against N caninum. Regional seropositive rates of the samples were 16.7% (5/85), 11.0% (11/100), 8.8% (21/240) and 5.9% (5/85) at Kyonggi, Gyeongbuk, Daegu and Kyongnam province, respectively. In female, seropositive rates were 17.5% (25/143) and 6.1% (20/330) in male. During the period from march 2000 to August 2001, 55 abnormal deliveries of Korean indigenous cattle including abortion, stillbirth and congenital malformation were examined by histopathological, immunohistochemical and serological methods for evidence of N caninum infection. Of the 55 abnormal deliveries, only 5 calves showed positive reaction against N caninum in serological test. In microscopical observation, gliosis and nonsuppurative myositis were observed. However, Neospora-like organisms were not detected by either periodic acid-schiff (PAS) reaction or immunohistochemical technique. Taken together all these data, this study indicate that N caninum infection was widespread in breeding farms of Korean native cattle, but correlation between malformation and N caninum infection was not recognized.

  • Research ArticleMarch 1, 2004

    0 39 20

    Immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR for pathogenesis of Newcastle disease in chickens


    Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2004; 27(1): 63-73

    Abstract : The present experiment was carried out to study the pathogenesis of Newcastle disease(ND), ND virus (NDV) antigens and genes in various organs from NDV inoculated chickens were detected by immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR. Immunohistochemically, NDV antigens were detected in the spleen, thymus, cecal tonsil, proventriculus, trachea and lungs at 12 hour post-inoculation (hpi). Viral antigens were localized mainly in the cytoplasm of lymphocytes and macrophages. After 48 hpi, clinical findings of the affected chickens were open-mouth breathing, conjunctivitis, watery diarrhea and edema around the eye and neck. After 72 hpi, chickens showed muscular tremor, paralysis of the legs and wings, and coma. Histopathological results consist of multi-focal necrosis with hemorrhages in lymphoid aggregates of the intestinal tracts, necrosis of the lymphoid tissues, neuronal degeneration and necrosis, and perivascular cuffing. Using RT-PCR, virus genes were detected in the spleen and proventriculus at 48 hpi, and in the brain at 60 hpi.

  • Research ArticleMarch 1, 2004

    0 56 85

    Epidemiological survey for avian salmonellosis from broilers in Namwon area


    Korean J. Vet. Serv. 2004; 27(1): 75-80

    Abstract : This survey was performed to investigate avian salmonellosis from broiler farms in Namwon area for 4 years. The whole samples from farms were 541 and chicken samples were 294. Out of 294, 83 cases were identified with avian salmonellosis for 4 years by various serological and biochemical tests. There was no outbreak of pullorum disease, but fowl typhoid occurred in 36 farms. The outbreak of avian salmonellosis occurred continuously regardless of seasons throughout the year. Avian salmonellosis mostly happened within 10 days of age which were 52 cases(63%). The selection of susceptible antibiotics has changed from Quinoline group in 2000 to amoxacillin + clavulanic acid(AmC).

  • Research ArticleMarch 1, 2004

    0 76 39

    Abstract : This study was conducted to investigate the similarity between hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA), the HI titer and mean ratio S/P ratio) of avian influenza virus. To perform this study, the 1,457 sera of layers 21 farms in May, July and September, respectively. As a result of HI test, positive rates were 480 to 422 (92.1%) in May, 494 to 394(79.8%) in July and 483 to 402(83.2%) in September, and the mean antibody titer were 4.6, 4.3, 4.0 to 0.3 decreased, respectively. The positive rates by ELISA, 480 to 475(99.0%) in May, 494 to 485(98.2%) in July, 483 to 472(97.7%) in September, and the mean S/P ratio were 2.319, 2.557 and 2.380, respectively. The result of HI test and ELISA positive 480 to 422(92.1%), 475(99.0%), 494 to 394(79.8%), 485(98.2%) and 483 to 402(83.2%), 472(97.7%). Therefore, ELISA was shown more sensitive compare the HI titers.

  • Research ArticleMarch 1, 2004

    0 51 81

    Abstract : Total 2,451 sera collected from pig farms nationwide were tested for the detection of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome(PRRS) virus antibodies. The results were analyzed between different geographic regions, types of breeding pigs, and different years. The overall seroprevalence of PRRS virus antibodies for 3 years was 32.4%(705/2,451). The seroprevalence of PRRS virus antibodies in years 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2004 was 33.4% (284/850), 38.6%(291/754), 33.3%(155/466), and 17.1%(65/381), respectively. The seropevalence of PRRS virus antibody in sow in years 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003 was 31.7%, 28.4%, 29.6%, and 13.4%, respectively. The seropevalence of PRRS virus antibody in gilts in years 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003 was 36.6%, 67.4%, 54.7%, and 33.9%, respectively. The seropevalence of PRRS virus antibody in boars in years 2000, 2001 and 2003 was 45.7%, 36.4%, and 100%, respectively. No boar serum sample was submitted for the diagnosis of PRRS virus antibody in the year 2000. High seroprevalence of the PRRS virus antibody in sow, gilts and boars indicates that the infected breeding pigs are the major source of the PRRS virus infection, and also play an important role in spreading the PRRS virus between fan mates or herds.

Dec 30, 2024 Vol.47 No.4, pp. 193~317


Korean Journal of
Veterinary Service

eISSN 2287-7630
pISSN 3022-7372
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