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1990. 06. 15 제정
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2015. 08. 11 개정
2016. 03. 16 개정
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2019. 01. 02 개정
2022. 06. 24 개정

  • 본 학회지에 투고할 수 있는 자격은 회원에 한정한다. 단, 비회원은 한국동물위생학회 홈페이지(의 회원가입절차를 거쳐 투고할 수 있다.
  • 타지에 이미 게재된 같은 내용의 원고는 게재하지 않으며 본지에 게재된 것은 임의로 타지에 게재할 수 없다. 또한, 투고자는 연구 및 출판윤리에 대한 기준[한국동물위생학회 연구윤리위원회 규정, 국제표준출판윤리(]을 숙지하고 동의하는 것으로 간주한다.
  • 본 회지에의 투고 대상 원고의 종류는 원저(Original Article), 증례보고(Case Report), 종설(Reviews Article), 단보(Short Communication) 등으로 구분한다. 본 투고규정에 언급되지 않은 세부사항은 통일 양식 즉, “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication (”의 규정을 준용한다.
  • 원고는 온라인 투고시스템을 통하여 수시(隨時)로 접수하며, 원고의 수정ㆍ편집 등에 관한 모든 사항은 학술ㆍ편집위원회에서 결정한다. 원고의 채택여부는 편집위원회의 심사를 거쳐 결정한다. 채택되지 않은 원고는 그 사유를 명기(明記)하여 투고자에게 반송한다.
  • 원고는 글 또는 MS워드 문서 작성기를 이용하여 A4에 좌우 21 mm 여백으로, 글꼴은 신명조체로, 제목은 15pt로, 저자는 12 pt로, 소속은 10 pt로, 초록과 본문은 10 pt로, 줄 간격은 160, 줄번호 및 페이지를 연속하여 작성한다.
  • 원저(Original Article)일 경우에는 제목, 저자(著者), 소속(所屬)을 국ㆍ한문과 영문으로 병기(倂記)하고, 영문초록(Abstract), 5개 이내의 영문 색인단어(Key words), 서론, 재료 및 방법, 결과, 고찰, 결론(영문 원저의 경우에는 생략), 사진설명, 사진, 참고문헌 순으로 작성한다. 증례보고의 경우는, 국내에서 3회 이상 보고되지 않은 경우를 보고함을 원칙으로 하며, 서론, 증례, 고찰, 결론, 감사의 글, 참고문헌 순으로 게재한다. 영문원고의 경우 한글초록이 필요 없다.
  • 단편적인 연구나 신속한 정보의 제공을 목적으로 하는 경우는 논문의 형식에 구애받지 않고 간단한 심사를 거쳐 단보의 형태로 게재할 수 있으며, 원저의 체제를 따르지 않아도 무방하다. 종설은 국내외의 조사자료, 측정자료 등 기존의 연구논문을 종합 정리하여 재구성한 것으로 학술편집위원회의 심사를 거친다. 게재된 논문의 저작권은 한국동물위생학회에 속한다. 발표논문의 초록은 제목, 저자, 소속, 서론, 재료 및 방법, 결과를 논술식(論述式)으로 간략하게 표현한다. Poster 발표는 크기를 100×150 cm 이내로 하며 제목, 저자, 소속, 서론, 재료 및 방법, 결과, 결론, 참고문헌 순으로 하며, 글자크기는 60호 정도로 1∼2 m 앞에서 보기 좋도록 한다.
  • 본 학회지는 세포실험, 동물실험 또는 임상연구(사람을 대상으로 하는 모든 연구) 관련 논문에서 결과에 영향을 줄 수 있는 인자로 생물학적 성(sex) 또는 사회문화적 성인 젠더(gender)를 중요한 부분으로 고려한다. 세포 또는 동물실험 연구관련 논문에는 세포주나 동물의 출처와 인증, 생물학적 특성을 반드시 기술하여야하며 대상 세포 또는 동물에 양성을 가능한 동일하게 포함하여 연구하고 성 차이에 의한 결과를 기술하여야한다. 임상연구관련 논문에는 성별 기술에서 성(sex)과 젠더(gender)를 구분하여 올바르게 기술하여야하며 연구 대상에 남성과 여성을 가능한 동일한 조건에서 연구하여 그 결과를 기술하여야한다. 단일 성으로만 연구를 수행한 경우는 타당한 근거를 논문에 제시하여야 한다.
  • 영문은 문장의 첫 자와 고유명사 및 약어(略語)만 대문자로 쓰고 나머지는 모두 소문자로 쓴다. 학명(學名)은 이탤릭(italic)으로 쓰고, 모든 약자(略字)의 뒤에는 점을 찍으며, 도량형은 CGS 단위 등 SI units (international system of units)에 맞게 쓴다.
  • 표(Table), 그림(Fig.)의 제목 및 설명은 영문으로 하며, 표의 경우는 상단에, 그림의 경우에는 하단에, 각각 본문 중에 위치를 표시한다(例, Table 1, Fig. 1). 표나 그림에서 각주를 사용하여 부가 설명을 할 경우에는 위 첨자로 *, †, ‡, §, ∥, ** 등의 순서대로 표시하고 그 설명은 하단에 기재(記載)한다. 표(Table), 그림(Fig.), 단어는 진한 영문으로, 설명은 일반 굵기의 영문으로 기재한다.
  • 그림은 해상도 300 dpi 이상 JPG, TIF, GIF 형식의 파일로 제출해야 한다.
  • 참고문헌의 기재요령은 다음과 같다.
    • 1) 참고문헌은 영문으로 작성함을 원칙으로 한다. 다만 영문이 병기되지 않은 잡지, 법령, 고시, 단행본 등은 국문으로 작성한다. 참고문헌의 저자는 모두 기재하며, 저자의 성을 기준으로 국문을 먼저 배열하고 외국문을 뒤에 배열하되, 국문의 경우 가나다 순으로, 그리고 외국문(영어, 일어, 중국어 등)의 경우 영문표기법에 준하여 알파벳 순서로 배열한다.
    • 2) 저자의 성명은 국문의 경우 성명 모두 기입하고, 외국문의 경우 성과 이름 사이는 한칸 띄우고, 이름은 각각의 머리글자만 표시하되 붙여쓰며, 마지막 머리글자 뒤에 쉼표를 기입한다. 마지막 저자의 머리글자 뒤에는 마침표를 기입한다.
    • 3) 잡지:저자명, 발행연도, 제목, 게재지명(揭載誌名), 권번호, 시작쪽수-끝쪽수 순으로 한다.
      ① Shil NK, Rahman MS, Hossain M, Islam MT, Rahman MM, Islam KBMS, Cha SY, Jang HK, Song HJ. 2007. Immune response and efficacy of pigeon pox virus vaccine and fowl pox virus vaccine in chickens. Korean J Vet Serv 30: 497-503.
      ② 게재지명(揭載誌名)은 공식 약자를 사용하고, 약자가 없을 경우에는 게재지명 전체를 사용한다.
    • 4) 단행본:저자명. 출판년도. 책장(book chapter). pp. 시작쪽수-끝쪽수. In: 편집자(ed.)(없을 경우 생략가능). 책명. 판수(ed). 출판사명, 출판지.
      ① 윤영원, 한호재, 강창원. 2004. 내분비. pp. 603-673. In: 양일석(편집). 수의생리학. 4판. 광일문화사, 서울.
      ② 정영호, 김장억, 김정한, 이영득, 임치환, 허장현. 2004. 최신농약학. 시그마프레스, 서울.
      ③ Easterday BC, van Reeth K. 1999. Swine influenza. pp. 277-290. In: Straw BE, D’Allaire S, Mengeling WL, Taylor DI(ed.). Diseases of swine. 8th ed. Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa.
      ④ Sambrook J, Russell DW. 2001. Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual. 3rd ed. Cold Spring Harbor, New York.
      ⑤ Nielsen K, Duncan JR. 1990. Animal bru-cellosis. pp. 1-453. CRC Press, Boston.
    • 5) 법령, 고시, 외국규정 등
      ① 농림수산검역검사본부. 2011. 축산물의 가공기준 및 성분규격. 농림수산검역검사본부 고시 제2011-105호.
      ② 서울특별시. 2006. 축산물위생업무편람. pp. 100-104.
      ③ Lee JH. 2007. Proposal to improve sanitary condition on meat sale stage in Korea. Ph.D. Thesis, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea.
      ④ FDA. 2006. Code of Federal Regulation, Food and Drug, Part 110 CGMP and Part 120 HACCP. MDA_cfr110_10316_7.pdf.
      ⑤ FSIS. 2005. Laboratory guidebook. Identifi-cation of animal species in meat and poultry products. Mlg17.02.pdf.
      ⑥ ICH. 1996. Q2B validation of analytical procedures: Methodogy pdf.
    • 6) 본문에 참고문헌 인용은 다음과 같다.
      ① 저자가 1명인 경우:국문투고논문일 경우 - <보고되었다(Song, 2009; Kim, 2010).>, <Laube 등(2003)은 mt DNA….>, 영문투고논문일 경우 - <salmonella infection (Chung, 2009; Kim, 2010).>, <Bain (1996) reported….>
      ② 저자가 2명인 경우:국문투고논문일 경우 - <보고되었다(Song과 Jung, 2009; Kim과 Lee, 2010)>, <Bottero와 Dalmasso (2011)….>, 영문투고논문일 경우 - <salmonella infection (Song and Chung, 2009; Kim and Lee, 2010)>, <Woo and Kim (2006) are….>
      ③ 저자가 3명이상인 경우:국문투고논문일 경우 - <보고되었다(Song 등, 2009; Kim 등, 2010).>, <Bottero 등(2011)…. >, 영문투고논문일 경우 - <salmonella infection (Song et al., 2009; Kim et al., 2010).>, <Woo et al. (2006) are….>. et al.은 라틴어 et alii (and others)의 약어이므로 al에만 점을 사용하고, 이탤릭체로 표기하지 않는다.
      ④ 같은 해 같은 저자에 의해 출판된 다른 문헌들을 인용할 경우에도 인용문헌의 정리에서와 같이 연도 뒤에 a, b, c 등의 알파벳을 붙여 구분한다.
      ⑤ 국문투고논문의 참고문헌이 국문인 경우 ①∼③항의 저자인용부분을 국문저자의 성만 한글로 표기한다.
  • 원고의 표지에는 소속기관명, 주소, 성명, 전화번호, 전자우편번호, 별쇄부수, 전공분야(예: 해부학), 원고의 종류 등을 명기하며, 원고는 학술ㆍ편집위원회의 요청에 따라 원본, 사본, file diskette, E-mail, 포스터 등의 형태로 제출한다.
  • 매년 학회지는 연 4회(3월 30일, 6월 30일, 9월 30일, 12월 30일) 발간한다.
  • 본지 게재 조판비 및 초과분(6페이지: 기본), 용지대, 전사비, 도안비, 특수인쇄비, 별쇄비 등은 투고자가 실비로 부담한다. 채택된 원고의 게재료는 편당 10만원이며, 6페이지를 초과하는 경우에 초과한 페이지 당 3만원을 징수한다. 칼라인쇄의 경우 1페이지당 5만원을 별도 징수한다. 별쇄본은 제작을 원하는 경우에 실비를 부담한다. 단, 전국 17개시도 가축방역기관(동물위생시험소)회원과 학술편집위원이 제1저자 또는 교신저자가 포함된 원고, 또는 전문을 영문으로 투고한 원고의 경우 상기 실비를 면제할 수 있다.
  • 학회지에 게재된 논문의 저작권은 본 학회가 소유한다.

부   칙

  • 이 투고규정은 공포일로부터 시행한다.
  • 이미 심사 중인 논문에 대하여는 학술ㆍ편집위원회의 결정에 따라 기존의 규정을 적용하여 시행할 수 있다.

Enacted in March 2012
Revised in 19 October 2012
Revised in 19 July 2013
Revised in 11 August 2015
Revised in 16 March 2016
Revised in 19 September 2017
Revised in 28 November 2019
Revised in 22 November 2021
Revised in 24 June 2022

The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service is the official publication of The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service. The instruction to authors does not described thereafter follows the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication” prepared by International Committee of Me-dical Journal Editors (

1. Content and Publication Type

It accepts original papers of research articles, short communications, reviews, editorial, opinion, book reviews, teaching tips and other invited papers on the undergraduate, graduate and continuing Veterinary Service in the field of veterinary sciences in general, anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, public health, parasitology, infectious diseases, clinical sciences, alternative veterinary medicine, animal welfare, food science of animal resources and other biomedical fields. Letter to editor is always welcomed on the published articles. Total or a part of the articles in this Journal are abstracted in Korea Citation index and DOI/Korea DOI Center.

2. Qualification as Authors

The first author and corresponding author should be a member of The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service. If they are not members, they should apply to membership before submission. However, there is an exception if editorial board admits. Please contact the Society office to become a member.

The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service
18-4, Nohasup-gil, Jangsu-gun, Jeollabuk-do, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-63-290-5406, Fax : +82-63-290-5411,

3. Research and Publication Ethics

Duplicate Publication : The papers a lready published to other scientific journals or periodicals are not considered for publication. The published paper to this journal should not be submitted to other scientific journal. Secondary publication is only possible when it is compatible to the “Acceptable Secondary Publication” policy suggested in the “uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals ( Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication updated February 2006”

Authorship : Authors who meets all offollowing conditions can be listed: 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version to be published.

Conflict-of-Interest Statement : If there are any conflicts of interest related to individual author’s commitments or project support, it should be clarified and described in the manuscript.

Informed Consent : The manuscripts related to the veterinary subjects or samples drawn from animal should receive the informed consent according to the rule of Institutional Review Board of author’s institute.

Statement of Human and Animal Rights : Authors should keep the ethical and standard of Institutional Review Board of author’s institute and the Helsinki Declaration in 1975 (revised in 2000). In case of animal experiment, authors should keep the institutional or national guideline for the care and the use of laboratory animals.
For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instructions, International standards for editors and authors ( can be applied.
If there are any ethical issues from the manuscripts, it should be first reviewed by Editorial Board and the recommendations should be processed by the Society. If anyone does not agree or accept the decision by Society in the process of ethical issues, those may be referred to The Korean Socitety of Veterinary Service Editors ( or appropriate Committee of the corresponding institutes.

4. Submission of Manuscript

Manuscript should be submitted to the online submission system ( with copyright transfer greement, author’s checklist, and brief C.V. of corresponding author.
Copyright transfer agreement should be signed by all co-authors. File for accompanying letters can be downloaded from the homepage of the Society(

The address for submission
D.V.M. Jong-Sik Park
Editorial office of the Korean Journal of Veterinary Service, Kyoungnam Animal Health Institute, 104 Chojeonbuk-ro, Jinju 52733, Korea
Tel: +82-63-290-5406, Fax : +82-63-290-5411,

5. Publication Interval and Receipt of Manuscript

It is published quarterly in March 30, June 30, September 30 and December 30. Manuscript can be received at any time. The manuscript that does not keep the instruction to authors may be rejected before review. Certificate of receipt of manuscript is issued to the corresponding author via email.

6. Peer Review

Every manuscript received is circulated to at least two peer reviewers. The author’s name and affiliation is not disclosed during review process to reviewers. The review process can be repeated till three times if the request of revision is suggested by reviewers. If the re-review is repeated more than three times, it may not be considered for publication. If two reviewers do not agree to accept the journal, it may not be also considered for publication. Usually the first review process ends within one month.
Statistical Review : If there are any complicated statistical analyses in the manuscript, it may be reviewed by statistical editor.
Manuscript Editing : The finally accepted manuscript will be reviewed by manuscript editor for the consistency of the format and the completeness of references. The manuscript may be revised according to the opinion of the manuscript editor.

7. Fee for Peer Review and Page Charge

If the manuscript is accepted for publication, publication processing fee of Korean Won 100,000 (up to 6 pages) should be paid by the corresponding author before printing. Page charges will be assessed at Korean Won 30,000 per page for any additional page over the 6 pages. In the case of color printing, a separate charge of 50,000 won per page is collected. Authors may order reprints prior to publication at the same cost and also after publication, but at a higher cost. First or corresponding author who belongs to the 17 national laboratories for veterinary service or editors of the korean society of veterinary service is exempted from paying the processing fee.

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8. Role of the Editorial Board

The decision on the editing of the journal is made by the Editorial Board. The manuscript may be revised for the consistency of the editorial work as far as the content is not affected. Every manuscript submitted is not returned.

9. Copyright

The copyright and the transfer right of the digital content of the published paper and journal is owned by the Korean Journal of Veterinary Service.

1. Writing Manuscripts

Manuscript should be prepared in A4 paper with space of 10 mm from top, bottom, right side and left side. Font size should be 10.0 points, row space 200%. The format for word process program accepted is HWP and MS word DOC files. The language of the text can be not only Korean but also English. Full name or English name can be written in the parenthesis in the Korean text. English can be written if there is no available Korean translation, such as proper noun, geography, or name. The capital letter should be used for proper noun. Medical terminology should be followed by the recent terminology book published by the Korean Medical Association (
Numeric characters should be written as Arabic letter. Metric system of weights and measures and SI unit should be used. Page number should be typed in the center of the bottom of page.

2. List of Content

The list of content is as followings: Cover page, title page, English abstract, Introduction, Subjects and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgement, References, Tables and Figures in separate page. If the number is required following order is suggested.

  • 1., 2., 3.
    • 1), 2), 3)
      • a., b., c.,
        • i), ii), iii)

3. Cover Page and Title Page

In cover page, title, authors’full name and affiliation should be written not only in Korean but also in English. If the authors are more than or equal to two, there should be comma between authors. If the affiliation of authors is not identical, the superscript number should be marked to the name and corresponding affiliation. DVM and PhD should not be written. Bottom of cover page, the address of corresponding author including name, telephone, fax and email address should be described. In the title page, the title in Korean as well as in English should be written. Addi-tionally, the abbreviated title should be added. If necessary, presentation in the meeting may be described.

4. Title and Abstract

Title, authors’ name and affiliation are centered. Title should be simple and lucid so that the content of the manuscript is easily disclosed. There should not be abbreviation or the title beginning with “he study on, or The discussion on” should be avoided. Abstract should be written in English with lucid expression. The subtitle should be constructed as one paragraph. The description should be sentences. The length of the abstract should be less than 250 words. In the next line of abstract, less than or equal to five keywords should be written. The keywords should be selected from MeSH (Medical Subject Heading). The first word of the keywords should be capital letter.

5. Main Text

For Introduction, the purpose and the background should be written simply and lucidly. In Subjects and Methods section, the methodology should be written precisely so that others can get same results with repeated experiment. In the Results, objective fact should be disclosed. In the Discussion, author’s interpretation of the results, author’s opinion and process of inducing conclusion should be written simply.

6. Acknowledgements

The contributors who helped administrative work, assisted in the research process or participated in proof-reading etc. can be described. The financial support and its contents would be described.

7. References

  • 1) It should be written in English
  • 2) If there is no English description from textbooks or papers in Korean, it should be written by author’s translation or Romanization of the Korean characters provided by the National Institute of Korean Language available at
  • 3) Online references must provide essentially the same information that print references do. For online journal articles, posting or revision dates may replace the year of publication; a DOI (preferred) or URL is required for articles with nontraditional page numbers or electronic article identifiers.

    • Example
      • 1. Yun YW, Han HJ, Gang CW. 2004. Endocrinology. pp. 603-673. In: Yang IS(ed.). Veterinary physio-logy. 4th. Gwang-il munhwasa. Seoul.
      • 2. QIA. 2011. chugsanmul-ui gagonggijun mich seongbun gyugyeog, QIA Notification 2011-105.
      • 3. Seoul. 2006. Chuksanmul Wisaeng Eommu Pyeol-lam pp. 100-104.
      • 4. Bina XR, Taylor DL, Vikram A, Ante VM, Bina JE. 2013. Vibrio cholerae ToxR downregulates virulence factor production in response to cyclo(Phe-Pro). mBio 4(5): e00366-13. doi:10.1128/mBio.00366-13.
  • 4) Maximum number of references should be about 30 except in case of Review article. The periodicals should be described in the order of author, publication year, title, journal name, volume and page. For textbook, author, publication year, title, place of publication, and publisher should be described in the order named. The journal name should be written according to the abbreviation of Index Medicus or KoreaMed. If not indexed in Index Medicus and KoreaMed, the official abbreviation of the journal should be used. If there is no official abbreviation, the full name of journal may be written.
  • 5) The citation should be in the text are typed as follows: Kim (2008) or (Kim, 2008); Song et al. (2000) or (Song et al., 2000); Song and Chung (2009) or (Song and Chung, 2009).

    • Example: Citation in the text
      • Chronic FC may follow an acute stage of the disease or result from infection with organisms of low virulence (Christensen et al., 2008; Gilsson et al., 2003; Timoney et al., 1992).
  • 6) The reference in the end of the manuscript should be in alphabet order. Title of textbook or paper should be written capital letter only for the first word. All authors should be described. Below examples are referenced:

    • Example: Periodicals
      • Shil NK, Rahman MS, Hossain M, Islam MT, Rahman MM, Islam KBMS, Cha SY, Jang HK, Song HJ. 2007. Immune response and efficacy of pigeon pox virus vaccine and fowl pox virus vaccine in chickens. Korean J Vet Serv 30: 497-503.
    • Example: Textbook
      • Easterday BC, van Reeth K. 1999. Swine influenza, pp. 277–290. In: Straw BE, D’Allaire S, Mengeling WL, Taylor DI(ed.). Diseases of swine. 8th ed. Iowa State University Press. Ames, Iowa.
    • Example: PhD Thesis
      • Kim YH. 2002. Multiplex PCR and in situ hybridization for deifferential diagnosis of Mycobac-terium species from bovine clinical samples. Ph.D. Thesis, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea.
      • * In case of master’ thesis, [dissertation] should be displaced as [master’s thesis].
    • Example: Website
      • FDA. 2006. Code of Federal Regulation, Food and Drug, Part 110 CGMP and Part 120 HACCP. MDA_cfr110_ 10316_7.pdf.
      • FSIS. 2005. Laboratory guidebook. Identification of animal species in meat and poultry products. Microlab/Mlg17. 02.pdf.
      • ICH. 1996. Q2B validation of analytical procedures: Methodogy
  • 7) If the journal reference cited is not indexed in KoreaMed or PubMed, its pdf file should be sent to the editorial office simultaneously when the manuscript is submitted. This is for minimizing the errors that may occur in REFERENCES section.

8. Tables and Figures

  • 1) Tables and Figures should be lucid and simple and should be cited in the text. Title and the explanation of Tables and Figures should be written in English. The abbreviation used should be described as full name in the bottom of Tables or Figures. Although same words or numbers appear, they should be written repeatedly.
  • 2) Photos or figures should be marked as Figures meanwhile tables should be marked as Tables. Tables and Figures should be printed in black and white although they are originally in color except that authors request color printing. The fee for color printing should be invoiced to authors.
  • 3) Explanation for Figures should be in English. Number of Figures should be in a form of Fig. 1, Fig. 2. The first word of the title and explanationshould be in capital letter. If there is more thanor equal to two figures in same Figure number, it is written as Fig. 1A, Fig. 1B.
  • 4) Table number is written in the form of Table 1, Table 2, and Table 3. Title should be in paragraph or phrase. The first letter of noun and adjective should be written in capital letter in title. There should be no vertical line in the Table. Abbreviation in the Table should be re-described in its full name. The mark should be used in the order of *, †, ‡, §, ∥, ** and explained in the bottom line.
  • 5) Figure files should be in jpg or TIF or GIF format. However, after the acceptance author should send the tif files with contrast degree equal to or greater than 300 dpi.

9. Guidelines for Editorial

Editorials are written by editor or editorial board members. The title, author and affiliation should be written in Korean as well as in English. Length of manuscript is less than 1,500 words.

10. Guidelines for Opinion

Opinions are usually invited. It deals with the present issues of the Veterinary Service. The title, author and affiliation should be written in Korean as well as in English. Length of manuscript is less than 1,500 words.

11. Guidelines for Review

Title, author, and affiliation should be in Korean as well as in English. Length of manuscript is less than 4,500 words. Length of English abstract should be less than 250 words. There is no limitation to number of references.

12. Guidelines for Short Communication

Title, author, and affiliation should be in Korean as well as in English. Length of manuscript is less than 1,500 words. Length of English abstract should be less than 250 words. A total number of Tables and Figures should be restricted to two.

13. Guidelines for Teaching Tips

Title, author, and affiliation should be in Korean as well as in English. Length of manuscript is less than 1,500 letters. Reference should be added.

14. Guidelines for Book Review

Book Review should be invited. The author and affiliation should be written in both Korean and English. Title of book review is the book title. If the book title is in Korean, English book title should be described. If the book title is translated one, the original book title should be also described. At the front of the text, the authors and the bibliographic information should be described. If it is translated one, the authors and the bibliographic information of the original book should be described. Length of manuscript is less than 1,000 words.

15. Undescribed Matters

Any items, issues or cases not described in the Introduction to Authors should be decided by the Editorial Board.

Dec 30, 2024 Vol.47 No.4, pp. 193~317

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Editorial Office

Korean Journal of
Veterinary Service

eISSN 2287-7630
pISSN 3022-7372
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